Truly Myself part 2

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Chapter 4: Truly Myself part 2

The sky is darkened by monstrous, gray clouds. Soft rain drops start to pour from them. Puddles form and mud spreads. Droplets of water slowly role off from the leaves. Groups of Pokémon huddle under trees all over the grounds around Eindoak Castle. We run through the trees to somewhere that will shield us from this rain. I see a gazebo and we run into it.

"This rain... Ugh! It just started out of no where." The boy says.

"That is what life is like here. One minute it is cheery but in a seconds notice, it can be a down pour." I reply still in a depressed mood.

Then I realize something, I don't know this boys name. I am quite surprised with myself for not asking it sooner.


"What?" I ask confusedly.

"My name... My name is Red." He replies.

"Red... Hmm..."

Interesting name... It is just like mine... A color. Green being peace and lively... Red being... Death... but... Red is also the color of love... determination... Green describes me perfectly. What about him?

"You know... Being a prince isn't all that bad." Red says.


"Well... You always are protected..." I interrupt him.

"Never alone."

"Um... Live in luxury..." He says slowly.

"When wanting a frugal life." I reply softly.


"Boring." I reply.



"Wow... Never mind then..." He says trying to  get a small laugh out of me.

I smile a little. I take a seat on the railing of the gazebo and look at Red. I take a shallow breath.

"The life of a prince...
 from his birth is well-defined.
 He must humbly serve his country, 
play the parts he's been assigned.

 He guards the hopes of his country.
Weak and mighty, rich and poor.

Who could ever ask for more? 
Who could ever ask for...

I end this with a sigh...

"I wanna be like other guys, 
climb up a tree like other guys can.
Just to be free like other guys. 
Get to be.

To slouch when I sit.
To eat a whole cake.
Feel the sun on my feet.

Get dirty,
 act silly.
Be anything I want to be.
To dance around,
In my underwear."

We both laugh hysterically. I can see that Red understands what I mean.

"To run really fast,
 to get rid of these rules. 
To eat a whole cake.
Get crazy,
with frosting.

No escorts,
no manners.
No nursemaids, 
no worries.
No hands folded perfect,
like holding a lily.

No pinchy shoes?

I wanna be like other guys.
Scrape up my knees like other guys can.
Just to be free,
like other guys.
Get to be.

To speak for myself,
 to sing way off key.
Marry someone I've met,
who loves me for me."

I wink at Red playfully. I mean nothing by it. It was just for laughing sakes. He blushes a little and then laughs with me.

"No escorts,
no manners.
No nursemaids,
no worries.
No hands folded perfect,
like holding a lily.
No pinchy shoes.

I wanna be like other guys.
Climb up a tree like other guys can,
Just to be free like other guys.
Get to be."

After that, we just sit there for a while looking at the rain falling. We both moved and sat on the floor next to each other. Then rain just kept on pouring with no signs of stopping.

"You know... Even though we have totally different backgrounds... we are not that different. I mean... granted you are prince. I am just a regular boy. A boy on a journey to find out who I really am and to fulfill a dream. You... A prince who wants freedom, a life of your own."

"How does that make us similar?" I ask. This is actually something I am curious about.

"I wanted the same things and a journey has helped me achieve them..." He says with a small smile.

"Really? You wanting freedom? Wanting to figure out who you truly are?"

"Yes..." He replies.

"But... A journey... My parents would never approve and then again... Who would I go with? I wouldn't want to be alone. God only knows what would happen."

"Who cares what your parents think!?!" He says enthusiastically. "In the end, it is your choice. And you would go with your friends. You would go with... I don't know... Someone like me for an example..."

He then suddenly turns red. I can see he now understands what he just said and how the way he said it makes his entire idea turn from one thing to another. I start to laugh a little.

"Yeah. I know what you mean... Well... It is an idea... One that actually sounds appealing but still..."

"Still what?" He asks confused.

"Oh... It is nothing." I reply.

The rain continues to pour. Eevee had fallen asleep a while ago. So did Red's Pikachu. They where on our laps. As the rain continued to pour, the cold the temperature got. Soon, I start to shiver. It is getting quite cold for June. Usually, it would be around 60 at night but right now, with all the wind and rain, it feels like 50 to 45...  I look to Red and he seems fine. I guess he is used to it.

I guess my teeth start to chatter or something like that after a while... That's because Red pulls out a nice, big blanket from his bag and puts it around me. I look at him, straight into his eyes and sees that he has a kind soul. The saying "Your eyes are the windows to your soul" is one of my favorites. But even better is that it is true. I can tell that he is someone who never gives up, knows his limits, and has a huge heart (The huge heart part I can figure since his Pikachu obviously loves him deeply).

After a while, I move a little closer to Red and stretch the blanket around both of us. For June, it is getting a little ridiculous... Well, I guess that is what you get for living on top of a mountain.

Soon, I start yawning. Red does too... I guess he had a long day as well as me. Studying fricken names all day, doing chores, studying, more chores... Sucks the life right out of you... As time goes by, I can feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier until I just can't hold them open anymore and close them. Once closed, It is only a short amount of time until one falls asleep and of coarse, I did...

A/N: Hey. it happened again. The youtube video I wanted was invalid for some reason so I just uploaded it in external links. It is a really cute song so please enjoy. ^_^

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