Truly Myself part 3

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Chapter 4(extended): Truly Myself part 3

It is early in the morning. The sun is about to ascend into the sky. The owls still who, the crickets still make their... buggy noise. (I don't know.) The air is crisp. The trees gently sway in the breeze. Their leaves crinkle  and fly off in each small gust. The free leaves dance in the gentle wind as it blows, slowly making there way over to my soft, motionless face; rubbing against it as the float on by.

 My eyes slowly open. I express a big yawn and just sigh. Then I realize something. Red was sleeping still... And his head was against me. I can wake him up this early. I slowly life his head off me and gently lay him down on the floor of the gazebo. Eevee and Pikachu remain in a deep sleep when I walk out away from the gazebo.

I sit at the edge of a cliff. My legs dangling in air. I look out and take in the beauty of night. The view is perfect. Though, being a little bit warmer would be nice. Groups of Pokémon, from Lampent to Gengar to Noctowl and more, fill the trees along side with those who sleep the night away.

"I was wondering where you sneaked off to." A gentle voice said.

I look back and see Red standing there, the blanket was around him still and I could tell he was still tired.

"I still managed to wake you up, hm? I ask softly.

He walks towards me and takes a seat right besides me. "Kind of. When you left I could, in a way, feel you had left so I guess that woke me up. You know... like when you can feel if someone is like watching you... Just in this case, it is not as creepy."

I chuckle a little. Red wraps the blanket around my shoulder. Oh, how good the heat from the blanket felt... Or is it... no. Its having the blanket around us that retains the heat. That's it and nothing more.

"A beautiful view isn't it?" I ask peacefully.

" Quite. It is very peaceful on this mountain top paradise... But to quiet for my taste." He replies.

"I understand. Sometimes I wish for something exciting to happen but most the time, nothing does."


I look at Red as he thinks. His eye are very pretty. I have never seen such a distinct color as red for eyes. They intrigue me. His hair looks so soft too. Like the finest silk textiles or puppy's fur. His face lightens up over time bringing more life to his peachy skin. Soon, he realizes I am looking at him and he turns his head towards me. I quickly look away and blush a little. AWKWARD!!!

Then I see something beautiful, the sun... It is rising from it's slumber and bringing light back to this world. You can start to hear bird Pokémon start to chirp, the rustling of small forest Pokémon and so much more. In less than a moment, the seemingly dead forest becomes vibrant and full of life.

"Beautiful... the sunrise is... the starting of a new day... The symbol of a fresh start... Warm and gentle on the skin... So many things form something as simple as the sun..." I say while looking out.

 "Also rejuvenation, youth, and light." He says very soothingly.

After a couple of moments of watching the sun rise, I sigh. Red turns to look at me.

"What am I going to do... I don't want to go back home... but at the same time I do..." I say looking down at my hands.

He sighs and chuckles a little. I look back up at Red.

"What?" I say with a small smile.

"Oh nothing. But whatever you chose, your friends will always have your back. I know I will."

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