The handsome new model reqruit

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Next day~~~~morning~~


Taeyong picks up his phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" Taeyong asked.

"It is Manager smile!!! :) Hello!! Good morning!!"

"Ho-how did you know my number?"taeyong asked.

"Y/n gave me your number, and another thing... WAKE UPPP!!!! YOU NEED TO GO HERE AT 2:30 PM. don't be late, we can't miss this opportunity." Smile said.

"What opportunity? What? What's that?" Taeyong asked with a very confused face.

"You're going to be a model, you need good image as y/n's boyfriend." Smile said.

"Being a bartender is not enough? I don't want to do modeling. Because I don't know how to pose!" Taeyong complained.

"You still need to go here.. it was in the contract. You need to get all the opportunities. Don't worry, the money will be given to you and also to me of course HAHAHAHA" smile said with an evil laugh.


Taeyong ended the call.

Taeyong's POV

I need to make a plan..

I went to the cafe for breakfast.

*Ring*ring*I called manager smile again.

(Manager smile answered)

"*Cough*cough* I think I'm sick.. I can't go there now. I really think I can't *cough*" I said.

"Really?!?! I'll bring y/n to take care of you." Smile said.

What!!!! Nooo!! I don't need that girl.

"No, it's okay, *cough*" I said.

"You need your girlfriend, I'll send her now." Smile said.

"What... Wait.. wait"

(The call ended)

I guess that didn't work.

I went home, I saw someone waiting at my gate.

WAHHHHHHH!!!! Why is that girl here? Is she dressed already for the model thing?!😓😮 She looks... ugly..

I came behind her.

"Pssst... What are you doing here?" I said.

"OH! You scared me!!! I'm waiting for taeyong to open... Oh you're​ taeyong HAHAHAHAHA..." Y/n said.

"Silly... You don't have to go here." I said.

"Yeah! I know!.. you're not sick, you just made that up. HAHAHA so I'm here to get you" y/n said.

"No.. I don't want to." I said.

"You need to do this.. actually.. I also make excuses​ like that..." Y/n said.

"Then let me pass now. Not today." I said.

"We need this!. Let's go! I'll help you, don't worry."
Y/n said.

"I don't trust you. You will just make fun of me."I said.

"HAHAHAH I would if you won't come with me! Hah!" Y/n said.

Then y/n immediately hold my wrist and pulled me towards her car.

"Do you know how to drive?" Y/n asked.

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