first chapter right hereXDDD

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Patrick's P.O.V.

I rolled out of bed and grabbed my Attila shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and fedora then went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, disappointed just like my parents at what I saw. I took off my shorts I wear to bed and replaced them with the clothes I grabbed out of my room.

I grabbed my brush and styled my fringe so it was all over my face and I could barely see then brushed my teeth. Yep I have a boring life. Except when David decides he wants to have fun. I only have two friends, Brendon Urie and Pete Wentz. One of which I want in a more-than-friend way. But that would never happen. Nobody truly likes me.

I walked out the door and waited at the bus stop because even though I'm a senior I don't have a car. The bus came several minutes later and I hopped on and kept my head down, trying not to react to the comments I got from the people riding. Even some of the second graders said shit like "kill yourself faggot" or "go cut yourself pussy".

I sat way in the back and waited until we got to brendons stop. He was the very last stop before school and when he finally got on we'd be only two minutes from school. I looked up for once and saw a smiling forehead with eyes, a nose, and a mouth. I smiled back and he bounced into the seat with me.

"Hey pat! How's life so far today? Any lick with Pete?" Brendon said excitedly. He's a major morning person and a major pain in the ass. "Like always,  no Pete still doesn't know I like him. And he probs my never will because he's straight and doesn't like me that way anyway. And lives actually better than normal. David and Patricia went put last night and haven't came back yet." I said unenthusiasticly.

"Brighten up fedora man they're gone for now! That's great you can have Pete  and I over tonight!" Brendon squealed. "What if they come back, forehead?" I said. "Aye just because half of my body is entirely forehead doesn't mean we have to talk about it.'" He laughed.

"Okay whatever you say. How about a more appropriate name. Five head? Maybe six?" I giggled out. "Okay let's go with forehead, meanie." Brendon said, grabbing his backpack from under his feet and getting up to walk off the bus, me following.

Pete's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sounds of the fight outside. Oh god it's too early for this. It's the first day of school and I just want to disappear again. I have the world because I never win. Patrick hates me and I have to fake straightness to stay in the house. I just want it to all end. Right now. There a no use in living life if I can't have the one I want so much.

Maybe if i tell Patrick today and he says he doesn't like me like I already no I could take my mom's pills. Yeah I think that's what I'll do. It's only two am and Pete and Dale are piss drunk, fighting like always. Dale was threatening to leave once again. She's only actually done it once and ahe came back a month later, out of money and wanting sex.

My brain hurted at the memory. Dale came back and Pete was out. She was really fucking horny and so drunk she couldn't tell I wasn't my father. I was asleep and she managed to take off unclothed without me waking up. I woke up to my own mother riding me and not getting off until she finished. I couldn't take thinking about it much longer. I rummaged through my school bag and took out my blade and then went to my black dresser, pulling out a metallica shirt and black jeans.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door, sitting on the toilet lid. I made deep slits on my upper arm, knowing his long sleeve would cover it and even if it didn't people wouldn't care. Everyone hates me, Brendon and pat included. I'm too fat and ugly for people go love me. I always complain and I know that this life is the only one I deserve. Or worse.

I was in there about half an hour until the memory finally ledt and I didn't hear the fight anymore. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and a wad if tissue and cleaned up the mess if my arm. I got dressed and styled my hair so it was all emoy looking. I then brushed my teeth and went outside go cuddle with my cat Spencer.

I was out there a couple hours when I heard the bus stop next to my house so I ran o we there and jumped onto the bus, sitting at the way back and hoping they wouldn't be too talkative to me today. There was no luck there. If anything they were worse, actually beating me up. It seemed like they were really paying attention to my arm. Goddamnit. Soon enough I got to the school and went to find forehead and fedora.

That's the first chapter to this bookXD. Sorry it's bad. DanIsPhilsPikachu here's your tagXD thanks reading goodnight rainbow bites.

Idk What To Title This Either But Its A PeterickXDWhere stories live. Discover now