The bathroom scene thank you victurd

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"Hey Pete! They have a good breakfast today!" Brendon basically shouted. "Oh yay." I said unenthusiasticly. If I eat it has to come back out. Immediately. That's why I only eat lunch. Um all alone at lunch because forehead and fedora have the same lunch period and I have a different one. Sigh. But at least that means they don't have to know I'm bulimic.

"Pete, please eat. You're so thin I can see each rib." Patrick said to me. Goddamn he's making things really hard for me. I don't wanna disappoint the one I truly do care for but he's just  trying to make me fat. I can't ave that. "How do you know you've never seen my stomach!" I said. "Are you sure of that Pete?" Patrick asked mischievously. "I am sure of that and if I'm wrong you get punished for disobeying be." I said with a little flair of drama.

"Oohh sounds exciting!" Brendon and Patrick said at the same time the laughed. "Horny much." I said to the two of them. "Yes actually." Brendon said quite loudly. He then proceeds to get on top of the table and shout "People of high school I would like to announce that I'm a horny motherfucker. If any of you boys are gay I'm free tonight." Then winked. He fuxking winked.

"Well I think it's time to go to class." Pat and I said at the same time. Patrick dumped his trey and followed me to our first period class, math with Mr. Fuentes. We sit in the back row all alone and the teacher never pays much attentin to us. Now if we were together I'd love that but that just means we have time for me to try to work up the courage to talk to him. He's by beat friend but I can't even talk to him.

"Pete are you okay? Like for real? Because you seem off today. Last time you acted like this I had to pick you up from the hospital." Patrick asked me. Oh shit I'm being too obvious. "Yeah I'm fin its just I woke up to dale and Pete fighting again. Its really annoying. I'm just tired." Tired if livng. Tired if puttnf up with all of this life.

"Okay I just—i just don't want you to hurt yourself. I really do care about you. Brendon too. We live you and we want you here, alive. Not in some box six feet under. I know you do t like small spaces so you would probably hate it in a coffin." Patrick said. Gossamnit pat I know you don't like me the way I like you. Stop making this so hard for me to let go! Maybe I could sell my life on let go. Well no one would want it so maybe not.

"I'll try. I'm sorry about–you know that time." I said anxiously. I don't know how he really feels about when I overdosed. Wedidnf really talk about it so I don't want go bring it up. "Is there something you would like go share with the whole class Mr. Wentz?" Oh shit ta a sub. "No Mr. Mendes." I said. "Really? Because I swear I heard you say something about that time. What time would that be?" He asked obnoxiously.

Fuck this is scary. I can't have a panic attack during the middle if class. Everyone was watching me,waiting for me to say it. But I can't say it. They'll make fin if me even more."i-i have to g-go." I studdered. I ran out if there, Patrick running after me. U heard that asshole of a sub yell at us to come back but I aint dong that. Fuxk no.

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in one if the stalls. A couple seconds later I heard oarrixk come into the bathroom too way out if breath. "Shit you can run fast." Pat said, winded. "Are you okay? Well I know you're not okay. You just ran out of class for gods sake. I'm sorry I meant is it okay for me to come in there with you?" Patrick asked nervously.

"I'm sorry pat but you can't come in yet." I said shakily. I was still drawing the blade against my arm. He can't know. Hell hate me forever and he'd never love me. He already won't ever love me bit he'd actually hate me if he found out. "Please?" Patrick wispered. Goddamn why does he always do this to me.

I out the blade back into my locket bracelet as quietly as I could and pulled my sleep down, hoping the blood wouldn't be too noticeable. "You can come in now." I said. "Well could you unlock the door? I kinda can't get in." Patrick giggled. I laughed too and got up to u lock the door. Once it was open fedora man arrackdd me with a giant hug.

"Okay lil man no news to break me!" Well you can break me in half if you want. "Sorry I just thought you needed a hug." He said. "Aye get back here I do want a hug just don't break me okay?" I asked teasingly. Atthat he wrappwd his shortish arms around my back, his head in the crook of my neck.

"Haha we fit!" Patrixk said. Oh can he get anymore adorable? "I know I'm adorable thank you." Patrick said cheekily. "You cocky bitch. When did I say you're adorable?" "Uhum just now?" He said with a little if sass in his voice. "Okay I'll admit you are one adorable sasshole." I said guiltily.

"Hey you and bren should come over tonight! The old ones are out tonight." Patrick said just a bit suggestibly. "Okay. Oohh we can watch harry potter!" I squealed. "Yes we canwarch harry potter." "Well I want asking I was saying were going to watch harry potter but." "Okay let's go to second period smart one." Patrick said, looking up at me.

Hey that's the second chapter. Hope you liked it. Goodnight rainbow bites.

Idk What To Title This Either But Its A PeterickXDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu