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All three of us piled into the one backseat of the bus just to s we if we could do it. We dicides to actually sit like that but decided it was uncomfortable a couple minutes later. Yuh wanna know what we did? We had oetw sit right in my fucking lap. Now hell definetly notice my gayness. Hell probably figure out I like him. Especially after today.

What the fuck? Did he just rub on me? I think he did! That little tease. Oh ahir he sis it again. It sent a course of pleasure through me, from my dick to my head and toes. Fuxk did I just moan? Out loud?

"Pat what was that?" Brendon laughed. Fuxk I did. Pete burst out laughing, knowing full well what that was and why it happened. "I believe fedora man just moaned. Loudly to say the least." Pete said through laughs, making the whole bus laugh at me. Brenand Pete gave all of them the finger and looked at me with dqke simpathy.

"That wqant funny Pete." I said with as much grumpiness as I could summon. "Oh really? What I think you should have said was 'thanks pete'. I cohos have done so much more." Pete said and winked. Dude I must be dreaming. Thus can't be happening right now. "Hey its ur stop." Bren said awkwardly.

We walked off the bus and I checked in my house to see if anyone was home before I let them in. No one was home so we all wentto my room and played Mario cart for a couple hours. After a while we got up and I made them some sand whiches. "You're welcome, you ungrateful bitches." I said jokingly. "Oh thank you thank you thank you you amazing person. For I would have staevws without this delicious pb and j sandwich. Oh how coils I ever thank you?" Forehead said dramatically.

"Well you could say thank you like any even partially normal oerosn would. "Do we look normal to you fesora? I mean you're wearing a fedora, he's wearing high heels from your moms closet, and I'm me." Pete said through a laugh. "But thank you for this delicious sandwich. It is quite divine." "Your welcome." I sang. "Hey let's go do something active!" Brendon yelled, practically shaking. Shit u forgot about about his ADHD.

"Okay let's GI outside and play tag" I said. "Tag?" They asked in unison. "Yes tag. Don't question me." I said then walked to the diir,slamming it I their faces. They followed me and showed up in the back yard a few seconds later. "You're it!" I shouted childishly at oete after tagging him. "Were actually doing this?" He asked stupidly. "Yes we are now come on!" I shouted back then ran away with Brendon.

We kept on playing until it somehow turned inti wrestling. The hell how'd that hapoen? Oh well. Brendon said "ready, set, wrestle!" And me and Pete were wrestling like our lives depended in it. Soon enough he had me pinnesbut instead if just getting up after three seconds I swear he looked at my lips. We just kinda layer there staring in to each others eyes until Brendon clears his voice obnoxiously.

Goddamnit I forgot he was there. We jumped up and immediately fell back down, laughing. It was gettng dark so we went inside and layed on the couches, watching harey potter.  Renson fell asleep halfway through andpete and I left him there, knowing how he gets when awoken from a nap. We went to my bedroom and just kinda layer on my bed for a couple minutes in silence.

I decided to break the silence with "Pete you meanie! Making me moan on the fucking bus." "I dis no such thing!" He said innocently. Gosdamn he's so adorable. "Then what was that whole rubbing on me thing? Were you just slipping? Cus it was kinda hard for it to be an accident." I stated. "Okay okay I just wanted to see your reaction." Pere said guiltily. "Well I'm gong to sleep and you are going to cuddle me because that was not nice and I deserve a cuddle!" I said childishly.

H actually cuddled me. He was the big spoon and I was the little one. I could stay like this forever. But forever is non existant. He will never love me like I love him. Nobody ever will. "Goodnight fedora" pwte said tiredly. "Goodnight Pete" I sad back, xboth o us contently falling asleep.

Hey there the third one. I think. That's three right? Well they don't know it but they like each other. And they don't think they're deserving if love. Well expect more updates because I have nothing to do. Amy's at school and no one else lives near here sonyeab. Goodnight rainbow bites. Comment comments.

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