sorry this took so long. the band above is yas jsXD

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My angels asleep in my arms again. We're skipping school and I love him so so much. He was murmuring things in his sleep. I think he's having a wet dream. He keeps on whimpering.

"Please I just dwna. Pno. Cnt I hve mast-" wait that doesn't sound like a wet dream. He's having a nightmare. Shit I gotta wake him. I shook him and he just whimpered, saying sorry for some reason. I shook him with all my might and he finally woke up, screaming bloody murder.

"I said um sorry I didn't mean to iim so sorry u won't do it again just don't hurt me I'll do it right a-" "Hey baby calm down. It was just a dream. Nightmare. Whatever. Do you want some water?" I asked.

"N-no don't leave me please. He'll come back and you'll never love me and I can't live without you and-" he cut himself off, hearing the front door open. "I'm back!" A deep voice sang. "Shit you have to go. We have to go. He can't see us." Patrick said in a panic. At the disco.

We left in a hurry out the window onto the Bush below. We ran across the street, running into some random persons house. There wasn't a car so it shouldn't matterXD. Shit maybe it did matter. We walked in on two naked people, one with a whip in their hand. Kinky fucks.

"Sorry! We are so so sorry wrong house!" Patrick apologized. We ran out and down the road. We decided to walk to town and maybe catch a ride. We got about a mile then Brendons mom picked us up and dropped us at school. Blah brens gonna be mad.

"Thank you Mrs Urie. Sorry about that we slept in." I said politely. "Any time but next time call me. Have a good day!" She said nicely. We both said you too at the same time then walked into the firey pits of hell, and straight to the devil himself.

"Where the fuck were you two? I was all alone on the bus and then I had to deal with mr perfect over there alone!" Brendon said, sticking his thumb towards this assholes named Justin beiber. Fucking hate him.

"We're sorry bren it wont happen again." Patrick said. He's so adorable. "Better not." Brendon seethed. Why is he only flaring at my baby boy? I was late too! He probs it just doesn't like me. Welp.

Wait he just smiled at me. What the actual fuck. "Hey Pete can I talk to Patrick for a minute alone please?" Brendon asked sweetly, barring his eyelashes. What the hell? "Umm yeah? Go for it." I said.

They walked away and honestly I'm kinda scared. He was acting a little weird. Oh well. I went to a corner and just kinda sar there like the potato I am. My life is boring.

A couple agonisingly boring minutes later they came back and we talked like nlrmal. We talked about gerard gay and how ferard is better than fuencest. I don't think thay but my baby boy and bren do so whatever.

After school we decided to go to Brendons and okay hide and srek. Call us childish but-uh we kinda are. We played tag afterwards then oat yelled the ground us lava and I died. That was that day and then u had to go home. Fuck.

I walked the many miles home, telling Patrick I want to walk because he's going to colville anyway. I got there about two hours later to the sound of the y chromosome to my being plowing into some slut. Poor her.

I tried  to forget that image but once I got into my room, I realized it was completely trashed. My dresser was on its side, it's contents strewn out across the floor. My closet was completely emptied, and my bed had a huge X cut through the middle. In the center if the cut, there was a note. The note read:

Wrong person Pete. You're not supposed to love patrick. Your supposed to love me. Now I've given specific instructions to your "lover boy" to not tell you who I am. And if he does, you die. You figure out who I am and you and Patrick are still around. If you can't figure it out, you two get twin deaths. Just imagine it. You and the one you love just so much, your twin skeletons resting side by side, forever. But that offer might be too tempting. I will make you watch him suffer. You will watch him suffer then you shall suffer yourself. It doesnt matter if you want me.  You'll still get me, your boyfriend watching.

         Figure it out bud.

Idk What To Title This Either But Its A PeterickXDWhere stories live. Discover now