chapter 1- work

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Before we start pelly is pronounced -pee-lee or pe-lee

Akia POV

"Akia Akia!" My roommate/best friend Matt shouted trying to wake me up.

We've been best friends since kindergarten and roommate since freshman year I'm college. Since then we shared a apartment with two bedroom, 1 bathroom, a kitchen and living room. The apartment maybe a little small but it still cozy and better than living on the streets like some of the unfortunate people. My mother always told me to be thankful of what we had than what we didn't.

"Yes matt ,why are you disturbing my sleep." I asked annoyed

"I'm disturbing your sleep?" Matt faked innocent.

"Very touche bitch or as they say in my my country Trinidad and Tobago hull yuh stinking dutty beat out mother cunt so don't fucking wake me up from my sleep again." But Matt being the idiotic person he is he never listen to me or my threats . If my three older brother were here he bottom would of been quaking.

"If I'm so disturbing your sleep I'm not going to ever wake you up again so you wouldn't be late for work again." he smiled like he just prove some point.

"Oh shit I totally forgot I have work today." I said a little embarrassed that I was upset with Matt for no reason.

"Next time I'm not even bothering to wake you up."he aaid.

"Sorry MT, but you love me either way." I said cocky. MT is my nickname for Matt and he also calls me Pelly (could think of a name so what is decided to use my nickname since the lead character is described as me or act so.........).

Apology accepted. You lucky your cute .

After that I rush into the shower to bath. After 15 minutes I rush out the bathroom ,dry my skin and put on a black shirt that reaching a little over my knee an a white shirt a few make up but not much .

I pick up my cloth and went into the kitchen were Matt made my favorite pancakes. I put a few in my mouth then kiss Matt on his cheeks.

When I was heading out the door I heard Matt mumbled something I was surprise the heard it he said for your second week of work j thought you would learn to wake up early and chuckle

The ride to work was a 20 minutes drive. When I reach with 3 minutes to spare I was exited I wasn't late.

I headed for my office and saw a lot of papers I had to do alot of paper work .

A while later....

I had a few more paper to go then I'm finish I was happy . Next I heard a knock on my door I was surprise I wanted to know who was it .

I shouted come in.

A moment later my boss came in I was surprise. Usually Jacob come an collect the paper work or I carry them in my boss office.

Good morning Mr Mitchell.I greeted him. And he did the say Good morning Miss Darks.

I nodded my head.

I came for the paper work. Are you finish. Nodded because I finish the last one .

Okay thank and before I forget it going to have a ball tomorrow night and as my assistant you have to be there.

I was shock I didn't know as a assistant you have to attend it.

Why do I have to be there I replied.

He chuckle before he answer. You have to come because it going to have businessman and your my assistant. So if you have any plan cancel it.

Um OK I replied a bit nervously.

I'll pick you up I just need your address. And dress code is formal.

I just nodded because I was speak less I write my address on a piece paper and he left.

Lunch time finally I mumbled to myself headed to a café and I crash into someone hard chest when I look it was a man he loom very familiar till it hit me he work in Mitchell electronic he one of the designers.

Sorry for bumping into you I wasn't watching where I'm going I apologized

It OK the man said. My name is Trevor what would yours be.

Trevor was well built but not a body builder body he was slim, dark hair, blues eyes and a tan

I'm Akia but my friends call me pelly.

You have a beautiful name Akia. Thank you I replied while blushing.

No problem. Do I know you from somewhere he ask.

No bit I seen you around work I replied.

That where I remember you from you work in Mitchell electronic.

Yep I nodded

You wanna join me for a cup of coffee Akia.

Sure I was just going and get one I replied

We headed for a table and I order a cup coffee cappuccino and toast. While Trevor order a black coffee alone.

I was sipping on my coffee then he spoke where are you from.

I'm from the Caribbean a country call Trinidad but me and my best friend move here to California for college when we was 18 now I'm living here what about you.

I originally from the Caribbean to me and my family move here from the Bahamas when i was 14.

After we talk about our life how old are we and other things I find out he was 28 two year older than me and we got a lot of things incommon .

After I check the time my break was over. We walk back to our work and he ask me out on a date I was kinda excited we said our goodbye and I gave him my number.

The rest of the day went by smoothly I was happy today was Friday that means tomorrow it dont any have work.

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L8r peeps

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