chapter 3 - a night to remember

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"Matt"I yelled

"Yes"I told you a million times I'm not going to embarrass you in front of your boss.

"Your definition of not embarrass is telling embarrassing stories about me or making inappropriate comments" I told him with a glare.

I love matt but sometimes he intend to embarrass me. The last time I brought a guy to our apartment he gave me a box of condoms and the guy, then he state he was only being thoughtful and always stay safe. I wanna know how he gonna embarrass me when Jake arrive in the next 5 minutes or so.

"Maybe I intend to embarrass you but it because I love you your like my hot lil sister"he said with a mischievous smirk.

I widen my eyes in what he just said."I'm kidding but if you wanna have a lil friends with benefit check me"

"Matt!"I yelled at him.

"I'm kidding learn to take a joke once in a while"he said

Knock knock

"That must be him" I said to Matt who had a mischievous smirk on his face

Knock knock

"I'm coming!"I shouted

I open the door to see someone I wasn't expecting to see it was my ex boyfriend Trevor." Can I talk to you"he said pleading.

"Be in my room of you need me" Matt said
He waited for me to nod before he walked onto his room.

"We got nothing to talk about Trevor we broke up because you were to controlling, abusive and obsessed"I retorted.

"Come on babe I love you I've changed give a chance please I won't be like that again" he begged

"I'm sorry I cannot go through that again"

Before I know it he grabbed me and pin me against the wall outside of the hallway and try to kiss me, I try to push him away but he was to strong he covered my mouth with one of his hand and use the other to choke me. I close my eyes and kept hoping and praying that someone would come any time soon to save me, a dark figure approached in the back of him and punched him. Trevor fell to the ground but the man kept punching and kicking him on the ground when I looked closely at the man I realise that it was Jake.

I manage to spite out "stop Mr Mitchell" he each me them watch back at Trevor and step back.

"Is this dude your boyfriend or something" he asked but I saw something I'm his eye an emotion I couldn't read or pin point what it is.

"No" I said still scared of what happen just a moment ago.

"Good I don't like competition "he said.

"Competition for what"I ask with curiosity.

Before he could answer Matt came out from inside our apartment and saw Trevor on the ground. "what happened Akia?"Matt ask with anger and rage filled in him, I never him like this before."Answer me Akia"

Before I could answer Jake spoke "who are you"

"I don't have time for introduction I wanna what the fucked happen here"Matt said I could see he getting irrigated without any answers

So I spoke up "Trevor assaulted me"I saw while my voice crack up

"Come baby"he said while pulling me into a hug"tell me what happen"

I told him what happen while Jake stand there watching me

Jake finally spoke "is he your boyfriend or something"

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