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"Joker-san, do you have a laserpointer?"

Joker turned away from his most recent project, a working  microwave, and looked at his ninja chef assistant.

"Yeah, there's one over in that box, why do you ask?"

"Well, since Hosshi is a cat-"

"Don't say that word."

"I wanted to see if he would chase after a laser."

Joker stood up.

"I'm going to make him run into a wall."

"Joker-san no."


"There's the pseudo-cat."

"I thought we couldn't say that word."


Hosshi was sitting on the couch, with Akai 'playing' on his DS beside him. Joker held up the laserpointer and flicked it on. He pointed at the floor in front of Hosshi and wiggled it around.

Hosshi glanced at it. He then proceeded to yawn, turn away, and fall asleep.

"Huh guess it doesn't work." Hachi whispered.

Joker was about to shut the laser off, as it appeared that this mission was pointless, when he noticed that Akai was staring at the dot. Joker narrowed his eyes, and made the dot move back and forth. Akai's eyes followed it, and Joker saw his muscles tense.

'Is he going to-'


Akai abandoned his DS and pounced on the red dot.

There was a moment of silence.

"Hachi get the camera."

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