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Spade cautiously entered the Sky Joker. Hachi had called, and said he needed Spade's help. Knowing the kind of stuff that could occur when Joker was around, he was prepared for everything.

But not this.

"Oh, Spade-san, I'm so glad you're here. Can you make sure Joker-san doesn't get into any trouble while I go find Akai-san and make him reverse this? Thanks!" Hachi didn't give Spade any time to respond before he dashed out of the room, supposedly in pursuit of Akai.

Spade stared at Joker. Joker stared at Spade.

"I was unaware Akai had the ability to reverse the aging process."

Joker angrily pushed his now too big hat up so he could see more clearly. "Yeah, well apparently he can. And don't listen to Hachi, I don't need a babysitter."

Spade nodded, unconvinced. He took notice of Joker's clothes, which where now dangling off of him.

"I suppose we should find you some clothes that fit while we wait for Hachi to get back here with Akai to reverse this."

"That would be appreciated. I think I still have some clothes from when I was younger under my bed. Oh by the way, please don't tell Shadow this happened again."



"Spade, give me back my cards."

"No, these are dangerous for a child to have."

"I'm not a child!"


"Ignore the height!"

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