Joker Stop

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Hachi tugged on Joker's cape, trying to keep him from going any further down the hall.

"Joker-san you can't just kidnap Princess Paprika!"

Two guards glanced over their way after hearing that statement, but seeing that it was just the thief and his assistant, went back to their job. Playing rock-paper-scissors.

"Of course I can! I can do whatever I want!"

Hachi mentally facepalmed. How did Joker even get knighted? (Can Princess Paprika knight people? I don't care, she did.)

"Joker-san you're going to end up in jail."


"Why are you even trying to kidnap her in the first place?"

Joker paused. Hachi fell back from the sudden lack of resistance, but quickly stood back up.

"I lost my free kebabs ticket, so I'm going to get her to write me a new one."

"Couldn't you just forge her handwriting?"

"Yes but this is much more fun."

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