chapter 0.1 - Cassidy

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I was an hour early. Walking in my driver carried in some of my suitcases as I gently pushed open the door. Immediately an older man with light grey streaks looks up at me.

"Ah. You must me Miss Riloman I'm Roger Mammon the colleges Dean." He said reaching out to shake my hand. Shaking his hand with a smile I nodded at him.

"Please call me Cassidy." I said with a smile.

He nodded quickly retreating his hand.

"I would personally like to show you to your dorm. I mean it is a big building and I wouldn't want you to get lost or anything Miss Rilo--- Cassidy." He corrected himself at the end stuttering a bit.

Looking over my shoulder my driver rolled his eyes but straightened up when he met my fierce eyes. Normally I was a nice girl prim and proper but I don't tolerate attitudes like this.

"What an honor."

The Dean quickly started rambling about the buildings history and how it was the first to be built since it was so close to the Law building. To put it in short terms this is Oxton University. One of the leading schools for sports and Law.

My parents picked this school out for me and sent me off without a second thought. My name is Cassidy Riloman. Daughter of Derek and Alice Riloman. Who are they you might ask?

Only the Owners of the highest ranking clothing brand in the World. They sell everything from T-shirts to jewelry and pretty much live in a penthouse in New York City.

I would say that I had a good childhood but I would technically not be telling the truth. Among many things I was raised to be book smart and expected to be the top of my class. At the age of 10 I could say the Declaration Of Independence backwards and was close to memorizing Shakespeare.

My IQ was a college senior when I was 14 and took college classes after high school everyday. Except for that my older brother normally was my parents main attention. While he went out to be a Brain Surgeon I decided to be a Lawyer.

It was my first time actually stepping foot in a dormitory. My parents wanted to buy me a property off campus but I refused since Oxton was a little up in the Californian hills and it would be a long drive.

Some would say I was a spitting image of my dad except for a young girl. Straight dark brown hair and deep attracting chocolate brown eyes. Of course growing up boys would take interest in me but I was never allowed to date.

Also for the fact that I nearly had not friends and was shy. I had no friends because everyone was scared of my parents and growing up in New York as a shy girl never had perks.

"Here it is. Dorm 237 on floor three." He said substituting words . I nodded not saying anything but looking at the white door with tan walls.

We stood there for a minute before he got the hint.

"Oh let me open the door." Opening the door he then turned around and gave my the key he had just used.

"Of course it's a medium sized room. One of our largest rooms actually I hope it would make do for the years to come." He said with a smile looking anywhere but my face.

My driver had already placed my bags down and walked out and I could see his silhouette going down the stairs. I'm so gonna get him fired. Nodding the dean quickly left letting my creak the door open only to let in a little light.

The bathroom was on the left along with the only window which I wanted nothing to do with. Ok the right side I put my things down on the single bed and started to unpack. Thankfully the room had to closets and I quickly claimed the bigger one hopping my roommate wouldn't mind.

Taking off the bland sheets I put on my sky blue ones fading into navy and folding up a blanket and putting it on the edge. On the walls I put a few pictures and a large mirror. Laying down m white shad rug I went into the bathroom and started to unpack my bathroom supplies only taking up half the room.

Looking at myself in the mirror I smiled my hair was down just below my breasts. Standing up a little straighter I pulled my hair out from behind my ears and practiced my smiling.

Way To much.

To much.



To much teeth.

Sighing I turned around and started to unpack my bag into the nightstand which was generously provided. Since the room only had a small bookshelf I only put half of my collection of Shakespeare on the shelf. After that was done I finished unpacking and slides my bags under the bed.

I hoped my roommate was like me and had at least a good sense of humor. My top quality roommate would be a nice girl who is as devoted to her grades like me. The one thing I absolutely didn't want my roommate to be like was an alcoholic or a slob.

My Uncle Marc was 'banished' from our family when he was in college because he was a slob. My grandpa always said he never met up to the family circumstances and that my Dad was always his favorite child.

Favorite child.

I would say that was my brother and not me.

It's not that he doesn't like me but he just has more faith in him. Guess you could say he saw more determination in his eyes than me. That's when I heard the door being pushed open and the smacking of bubblegum.

Looking up at the door I think my mouth fell to the ground. My roommate was standing there in a white sleeveless crop top and Jean shorts that cut off around mid thigh. She also had on white vans with her backpack lazily slung over her left shoulder.

She's definitely a 10.

She smiled over at me and said the simple word,


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