chapter 1.1 - Cassidy

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"F*CK!" Jaxon screamed grabbing the wheel and spinning the car to the left in a jerky moment. Along with his voice I screamed holding onto the safety handle.

The truck quickly recovered from the spin as I looked back at the cars following. "T-they are getting closer." I muttered.

Following his silence I looked back at him and he gulped lightly. Suddenly he slammed on his breaks making my sensitive back hit the glove department.

"Why did you stop?!" I shouted getting up then saw our problem.

A dead cutoff into the lake.

«--------A Few Hours Earlier---------»

"Are you insane! Chocolate is so much better than Vanilla!" Raegan shouted as I popped the last cupcake in my mouth.

"I certainly think not. Have you ever thought about it?" I asked. "Why do you think there is only Vanilla yogurt? Not chocolate?"

"THERE IS PUDDING!" She screamed.

I have her a stare.

"Both chocolate and vanilla pudding." I pointed out to her leaning over the side of my bed and unplugging my phone.

"Cass really late. Our neighbors probably are gonna start complaining in an hour or two." She said looking down at her own phone.

"Like you care anyways."

She sighed.

"You're right. I don't care. But I do care on our Coach loved and praised my hitting today. I mean it was great...then Kasen and his gang showed up."

I laughed.

"Raegan he really likes you."

She rolled her eyes.

"He is a pervert if you haven't noticed."

"Oh I noticed I just think you two are a cute couple." I said playing with the ends of my hair.

"You know what we should do?" She suddenly asked popping her head up.

"What?" I asked sitting in a criss cross apple sauce position.

"I have an idea."

Grabbing her phone she sat it down and scrolled through it a little before clicking a bit. Turning her ringer up I sat on her bed and realized she was calling Kasen.

"What are you doing?" I whispered but she shushed me.

Seconds later,

"Smello?" Kasens voice called out.

"Oh hey baby. It's me Rae babe." She said with a rather...weird voice.

By now I had completely stopped asking questions.

"Well hello to you to baby."

I think I almost barfed.

"Oh thank you Travis."

That's when my face turned bright red and I got her plan.

"Travis? Uhhh..."

"Yeah babe. Travis your name duh. Anyways I was thinking we could always go out again. I mean last time it was fun and I enjoyed the...experience. Lately I've been occupied."

She herself made a barfy face.

"Ummm I think you have the---"

"Sorry this annoying boy has been bothering me. But I really enjoy our dates Travis. I love you hair, eyes, lips."

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