chapter 1.3 - Cassidy

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Where to start. Having to explain what ever in the world Jax is. My whole life I've never had to explain myself to someone except my parents. Now here I am.

"It's the guy I met. Jaxon."

Putting her ukulele in her lap she studied my face.

"I swear if you got a boyfriend before me...."

"No! I-its....something is just different with him."

"Did you guys have sex?" She asked bluntly.

"What the?! No! Why would you assume that?"

She shrugs.

I sigh letting my hands grab the end of my bed. Should I be blunt or give it to her easy? I grunted before turning to her.

"We met at the Gas Station the night you had a headache."

She nodded.

"What I didn't tell you was...that night the Gas Station was robbed whilst we were there."

"Are you okay?" She asked placing the ukulele ok the bed beside her.

"The robber didn't know we were there. He said some words before grabbing a gun from his back pocket."

"Wait, wait, wait. He had a gun?" She said hesitantly.

"Listen, then when he confronted the robber...he knew him. Like the robber had a nickname for him but he actually knew him. T-then tonight.."

"Go on."

"We went to dinner and these guys started shootings at us."

He eyes went wide.

"Did they hit you?! Are you okay? Oh my god we need to call the damn police."

"Wait Raegan. There is more. He knew them to. And they knew him by name. I'm just so confused."

She hesitated.

"Maybe he's a cop?"

I shook my head.

"I thought so too. I even asked him and he told me no."

She seemed lost and to be truthful I was too. I wondered what my parents would think of this. Me even being social intertwined with a man who was in the possession of a gun and brought me into danger.

I shook my head.

"I shouldn't be putting all this weight on your shoulders. I'm sorry. I've just never had this kind of situation and that's truly not a good enough excuse."

She laughed. Laughed I repeat.

"Don't be so upset. It's what I would do if I was in the situation. But I really don't know what to tell you."

I nodded.

"Wait are those my clothes?" She asked crossing her arms.

Ah crap.


"I expect that all of you will study tonight and be ready for a new day. Your first test will be in five days so be prepared." Mr. Dawson said sitting down behind his desk. Picking up my stuff I couldn't believe that we actually already have a test.

Pulling my backpack over my shoulder I walked outside with the crowd of students. But of course when I pulled out my phone I just so happened to ram into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

As I collected myself I couldn't help but catch the man in the corner of my eye. Looking over there wearily I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Agent Toko.

My family used him when I was 15 and was first getting to drive myself from place to place. Who is he? Only a Retired FBI agent who used to follow me around and report back to my parents.

I guess he is back. Quickly looking away before he saw my face I shoved through the crowd. It's the dang witness thing! Of course my Dad wouldn't trust me!

I had walked to class but now my legs seemed to shake. I was nervous. What I'm not saying is when I was 15 I once called him out in public. Let's just say he wasn't afraid to give me a black eye.

I was so embarrassed and all my parents could say were, 'he was doing his job'. I had to stay home for two days for it to fade.

Already my breath was catching in my throat and all I could do was pull my phone out. Scrolling through my contacts I dropped my phone and grimaced.

"Hey you!" I heard a voice say as I leaned over picking up my phone.

It was that Kasen guy.

"Oh, hey."

"Aren't you Raegan's roommate? Ya know the one that made her hang with me?"

"Yeah. How did it go? She never talks about it."

He laughed.

"I bought her a beer. It was great."

I chuckled.

"You seem a little nervous," he looked at me a tad concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Umm yeah." I lied but once I glanced over and saw Toko looking my way I broke. "No I'm pretty sure someone's following me...can you walk me to my dorm? Raegan might be their."

He nodded.

"Anything for Rae's roommate."

Walking to my dorm we brought up small talk. I kept looking over my shoulder but I should've known better. Of course I wouldn't be able to see him.

Multiple times I would start breathing hard and Kasen would ask if I was okay.

"Thank you." I told him opening my dorm room.

"Is Rae home?" His voice filed with hope.

Checking the room I shook my head. "Come back around this time tomorrow. She should be here then. Sorry she isn't here today."

He waved goodbye before I quickly shut my door. Waiting for Raegan to get home I could barely talk when she walked in not but thirty minutes later.


"Raegan we have a problem."

She put her bag down looking over at me. "What's up Cas?" Ignoring her talking I immediately started to spill my guts. About everything.

About Toko and how my dad was probably being a control freak and I didn't know what to do. Then at the end I felt stupid again and apologized.

Finally after I was done she looked at me with a smirk.

"Wanna show your dad you're independent?"


"I have a idea...."

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