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[Chicago city theta gang hideout]
"Father we have some bad news" said Francis. "What would that be? Surely you haven't messed up now." Said the boss. "Uh...well you see father, it's like this..." Francis stuttered "OUT WITH IT MORON!" The boss said with great annoyance. "Right, well, um you see we lost the shipment of weapons. The power guys showed up and defeated our men. And the leader did something he's never done before." Francis explained. "And what did he do differently this time?" The boss asked with curiosity. "He wiped them all out. He showed no mercy and slaughtered them all." Francis said with fear. "He did what?!?!" The boss asked out of surprise. "He said that we never change and then he just...poof...incinerating them all." Francis said now with obvious fear in his voice "and he said he's coming for you." "Blasphemy! There's no way he can kill me not with all of my men. I have 250 men under my command. He can't touch me." The boss declared. BOOM! A loud explosion came from outside and rattled the entire hideout. All that could be heard outside was screaming and gunfire. A few minutes passed and then it all goes silent. The boss and Francis stay there confused on what's happening. The wall right next to the door explodes and a man flies in and lands on the floor in front of Francis. He checks his pulse. "He's dead father" Francis reports. "Who the hell?" The boss asks dumbfounded. A figure moves into the opening. "Found him" says the figure. He moves into the light and reveals his identity. "The guy is in here!" Cody shouts to the others. Another figure appears next to Cody and he is dragging a dead body by the throat. Will throws the carcass to the boss's feet and says "From 250 subordinates to one all in a matter of four minutes. What a shame." Will says mockingly. Cody laughs a bit at the statement and then sterns himself once again. "The jig is up, and payback is gonna be a bitch." Cody says with triumph. "You little shits. You've ruined my empire. All I've worked for is destroyed because of you brats. You aren't even half my age and yet you call yourself my equal? I'm insulted by this!" The boss says outraged. "Not our problem, now is it? You brought this upon yourself Danny boy." Will says mocking the boss's identity. "You're a bastard, you know that kid?" Daniel says annoyed. "Well would it really matter now seeing that my family is dead? No, didn't think so mate. Now surrender or die." Will said patiently. "I think not. FRANCIS KILL THESE KIDS FOR GOD'S SAKE!!" He yells at Francis. Francis pulls a Thomson out and unloads a few rounds in Will and Cody's direction. They don't even get close. Will increases the temperature around him and the bullets simply melt five feet away. Cody uses his dark matter to banish the bullets, only to re-summon them as rusted metal chips. "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU..." Francis yelled as he charged. Suddenly there was a wet gargling noise. Will now stood in between Francis and Daniel. Francis fell to his knees and blood splattered on the ground. Cody and Daniel looked shocked as Francis's neck opened and blood started to shoot out in quick and short pulses. He finally collapsed with one last gargle. Will's blade had been drawn and was dripping Francis's blood on the floor. He started laughing while looking at his work on Francis. Wills eyes looked dilated, much smaller than usual. He turned and looked at Daniel. "Your mafia is finished "father"." He said mockingly. Wills blade lifted up and he pointed it at Daniel as if he was aiming. Then Daniel started screaming, trying to plead for his life but then a clean shink sound echoed. Will's blade had extend and closed a fifteen foot gap and decapitated Daniels head. His head rolled on the floor and blood was everywhere around the fresh corpse. Will put his mystic sword up and said "Shut your gob. You can't call yourself a man if you can't face death with honor." Will smiled and then started blinking like he was just waking up. "What happened?" Will asked. "I'll tell you later man. Right now we need to get back and tell the others what's happening with you." Cody said worried. "Right. So it happened again, huh?" Will asked. "Yeah." Cody responded.

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