The burden I carry

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-It's been a wild ride since I became Will's apprentice a few years ago. Everything was going great so far but then Will told me something that I didn't believe at first. He told me to not say anything about this to any of the others. I agreed to his terms and that's when he told me. Will had this weird madness thing in him. It builds up a lot until one day the dam breaks. He will lose control and go insane. Nothing can prevent it except for his own sanity but he said that it's getting harder to stop it every day. I'm the only who knows about this, but Will threw me a curve ball next. He told me that the reason that I'm always his partner on solo missions is that if he loses control...he wants me to kill him. He said if he lost control...if any of us loses control then we would cause ten times the genocide than the demons do. He told me that I'd have to be strong and do it no matter what. And if I can't? I asked him and instantly regretted it. He responded by saying you always have a choice, but the other one is banishing me to damnation in your pocket dimension. Have me be corrupted and suffocate because of the lack of oxygen. Either way I have to die. I stood there so surprised by his bluntness of his own death. But he's right. Part of my new abilities is that I can banish people into my pocket dimensions. They become corrupted and distorted. They die and then resurrect as a zombie like thing. Often I use them as slaves. They worship like a god. They'd do anything I ask. But I wonder what Will would be like if he became one of them but with his madness them I'm not sure I want to find out.-
~Entry log 138: Cody

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