The fires dying light

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The base is almost rebuilt thanks to the help of Cody's minions. The team is doing there individual training in there rooms. They were specially modified to be anything from holo-projections of anywhere and it actually mimics the conditions. It can effect gravity and everything. Jake is training in an inferno trying to improve his ice's durability against heat. Seth is training in nothing but light trying to absorb it and make it his own power. Ben is doing the same with darkness in his room. Will, Cody, and Zero are training together in the gym. Zero has increased the gravity around Will by 30gs. Zero and Cody charge Will and start duking it out with him. Cody hits Will in the leg and Zero kicks him in the chest. Will doesn't falter and grabs Zero's face and slams him into the floor with a loud thud. Cody looks at Zero giving Will time to get behind him. Will wraps his arms around Cody's waist and picks him up. Will does a semi-back flip and slams Cody's head into the floor. Zero increases the gravity on Will from 30 to 50. Will slams down to his knee, but he strains his body to get back up. "What? You don't want to bow to me?" Zero asks mockingly. "I bow to no one." Will says with a devilish grin. "Really? Cause it looks to me like you almost did." Cody says with great humor in his voice. "Focus on the fight and not smack talk!" Will yells as he lunges and reverse kicks Cody into the wall. "Damn. That all you got?" Cody asks sarcastically. "Huh. So you did get one thing from my training. Don't shut up. Keep running your mouth and the enemy will get frustrated and mad. They'll start making mistakes and get sloppy. Then you go in for the kill." Will said with a glint of something with deeper meaning in his eye. Almost like a warning to them. "Class dismissed." Will declares. Once he's out of the gym Zero turns towards Cody and asks "Is everything okay with Will. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to "go for the kill". He didn't with me and didn't do it when he had the chance with that Atlas guy." "Yeah, it's getting worse. Everyday I can see the changes. He wakes up early as hell everyday, if he gets any sleep at all, but he doesn't come out of his room for three hours. As if he's just sitting there contemplating something. He's definitely getting worse." Cody said concerned. "Which means we must prepare to put the old dog out of his misery." Zero finishes the thought. "The old generation is getting ready to collapse the moment the head gets cut off." Zero continues with a grim expression.

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