The new generation strikes again

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Will and Cody returned to base. Will doesn't seem to remember any transactions of his madness form. They summoned the others into the war room for a team meeting. It was time to tell them what's happening and what the last resort must be. They filled everyone in on Will's situation and all seemed surprised. Cody told them about the failsafe and that's what started it. "Hold you want us to kill you in cold blood if you let yourself be taken over by madness?" Seth asked. "Yes" Will put it simply. "But there has to be another way!" Ben said annoyed by Will's solution. "There is no other way. If you let me live when I lose control than you're a fool. A fool who'll be dooming thousands and in today's population that's about half." Will said countering Ben. "So who's gonna do it? Who's gonna have the balls to bring down Will. We are all friends here so who's gonna be the man who kills his friend?" Jake asked. "Who ever wants to be the hero. To bring down a traitor." Riley said. At that moment the ground rumble like six earthquakes combined. The wall blew up and a man walked in. "Hello comrades. Who wants to die first heroes? Ahahahahaha!" Said the man. "Who the bloodyhell are you? And the bloodyhell do you think you're doing to my base?" Will asked as a fire ball formed in his hand. Mist started forming around the room from Jake's frost lowering the temperature and from Will's heat raising the temperature. The figure answers Will's question. "I am Atlas of mother Russia!" Atlas booms with pride. "And I'm here to blast you puny Americans away. You think yourselves heroes? Bah, heroes die fighting, but you all will die on your knees like dogs." Atlas is monologging. This is their chance. Will lunges at Atlas and knees him in the face Atlas counters and puts Will in a bear hug and starts squeezing. Will instantly feels his bones starting to crack and he starts panicking. Then a ear piercing crack could be heard all around the room. Will screams in pain as his bones start to break. Will is starting to see stars but then he headbuts Atlas in the face and drops to the floor. Atlas reaches down to Will but then Jake flies towards him on Edgar the ice eagle and has his hammers drawn. He gets a double hit on Atlas. He goes flying and Riley draws his shotgun and blasts Atlas two times then a rock juts out of the ground an nails Riley in the face. Riley hits a wall and goes crashing through. Ben draws his scythe and Seth draws his double bladed sword. They rush Atlas and start duking it out with him. He summons his own weapons. Brass knuckles. He starts overpowering the two and eventually breaks them away Zero runs up and Atlas merely traps Zero's feet in rock. Everyone is realizing this guys power. Cody summoned his minions and they started to overwhelm Atlas. Atlas fled into the night sky and everything went silent. Cody set his minions to work rebuilding the damaged walls. Will looked at a broken piece of glass and looked at his reflection. All he saw was him but covered in shadows and blood red eyes. Will knew this was the personification of his madness starting to awake.

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