CHAPTER FOUR: Party (Ken's point of view)

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[A/N: Hi guys. So this chapter is for Ken. His point of view. Let's just see how things run into his mind okay? 😁😁😁😁😁 Oh and Ken is at the top.]




I ran down stairs and Tyler approached me. He put his arms in my shoulders and said: "Ken! Bro. Finally, you're awake."

"What's the commotion?" I asked.

"Do you even know what time is it?" He asked getting some snacks.

"Uhhhh-" He cut me off.

"See? You don't know. Makayla was right both of you are a total wasted human being." He said grinning at me.

"What? Makayla? You're se-" and again he cut me off. I'm getting pissed now.

"And no. No, is the answer of your question my dear boy. Makayla and I? We're just you know satisfying each others need lik-" Now it's my turn to cut him off. -____-

"Fuck buddies" I mumbled.

"You got that right bro! When did you become smart? " he asked laughing.

"Oh you know like forever!" I exclaimed and he laughed again.

"Okay, Okay. Enough of this. We had to go to the party bro! Everyone's invited. All sororities and frats are coming!!!" He said histerically.

"Oh okay." I said.

"Good because Makayla's coming. I can't wait to see how sexy she issss. Urghhh". He said day dreaming.

"Oh and what are you talking about earlier about me and who? Who am I like with? Makayla?" I asked.

I'm confused as fuck why would Makayla and I be the same I mean she's a lucky-go-lucky kind of person like my Kat- I cut my own self. Dammit! Stop thinking of her! I said to myself.

"What?! No!" He said.

"Then who?" I asked.

"Oh you know" He said grinning at me.

"Who damnit?!"0 I yelled.

"Chill out. You know this is what Makayla's talking about" I was about to smack him when he yelled.

"Katrianne" He said backing away at me.

"What?!!!" I yelled. This is really getting ito my nerves.

He said explaining every detail.

I stayed quiet trying to process everything.

She changed? From that sweet and cuddly person I know from urghhh! I hate this. I hate her! I should stop thinking about her! Fuck this.

"Okay" I said and walked out.

"So, that's it? That's your-. Uhh nevermind." He said heading to his room but stopped at the middle of the stairs.

"Go take a bath will you? You stink and also go get ready for the party it's 4:54pm in the afternoon the party will start at 5:30pm. Now, go!" He yelled.

I laughed. I just took a bath. He's smelling his own self. Hahahahaha. Tss whatever. I'll just go change.

.......a minute later.......

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