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Yerin's POV


I'm walking towards the school gates when I heard the siren from the ambulance. My eyes followed where the ambulance is headed to but then it entered our school. I kept walking until I heard my schoolmates complaining abut the ambulance.

'Ughh there he goes again' 

'why does he use an ambulance to get  to school?!'

'uhmm remind me again, why do we have a weird kid in school?'

When I looked at the ambulance,it stopped right in front of the school door then I saw my classmate Kim Taehyung getting out . 'Wait why tf is he using an ambulance to get to school has he gone crazy?!' I thought to myself. When he got down he turned to me and waved.

"Oh Hi Yerin! Good morning"

"Uhmm yeah hello.." I replied and walked until we reach the room. We're not that close so I felt a little bit awkward plus he's a really weird kid.

 Skip to Dismissal Time

I'm still curious about Taehyung so I followed him silently before going home. He walked out the school gates but he didn't use the ambulance this time so I decided to just go home.  I don't know why but I wanna know why he uses it to go to school every morning.

Skip to Next day Morning

I woke up and took my phone to look at the time, 6:50 am.
"Holy shit I'm gonna be late" I rushed to the bathroom to take a bath then wore my clothes and went out rushing through my door. I kept running and looked at my watch, five more minutes before the school gate closes. 'shit I might not make it' I thought and started running faster.

Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung, yah wake up you're gonna be late for school." I woke up feeling someone shaking me I opened my eyes to see our maid.

"What time is it now?" I asked still half asleep.

"6:50 am" She said and I started rushing. I went downstairs after I was done.

"Hi mom can i use the ambulance again, it's getting late."

"Taehyung-ah just because we own a hospital that doesn't mean you can use the ambulance every time you're late."

" Yeah yeah I know but can I use it just this last time please" I looked at my mom with puppy eyes.

"Okay but just this last time okay? Just ask the driver, he's on the garage right now"

"Yay thanks mom bye!"

It's already 6:55 and we're headed to school when I saw Yerin running. Looks like she's late.

"Jihoon hyung can you stop the ambulance near that running girl" I asked pointing at Yerin.

"Yes sure" The ambulance stopped beside her and I called her out.

Yerin's POV

I was busy running bu then I heard someone calling my name. I stopped and looked back only to see Kim Taehyung inside the ambulance. 

"Oh Taehyung it's you  why did you call me?"

"You're late right?"

"Yeah  I am so I really need to go now bye"

"Yah wait ....you can ride with me let's go we'll get there faster with this ambulance" He told me and I starred at him wide eyed.

"Okay sure thanks" I had no choice because I was running late, literally.

We arrived at he school right exactly before the guards closed the gates.

"We're here already" his driver told us.

"Oh okay thank you again Tae"

"It's nothing let's go?"

"Yeah.... huh now I know why you're always using the ambulance to get to school. I guess you're not that weird but smart" I told him while laughing.

"Yah so you thought of me as a weird kid?!" He ruffled my hair.

"Yeah kinda"


"Fine I'm sorry"

"How about we do it again tomorrow" he asked grinning.

"No! I don't wanna be late again." We talked until we arrived at the classroom right before our teacher entered the room.

Using an ambulance might not be so bad at all

[Not yet edited]

Well this was a weird oneshot. Forgive me I don't know what's running in my head.
Thanks for reading ~^o^~

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