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Okay so I wrote this chapter kind of confusing so just try to pay attention to when the text is bold that's when Jada is talking about what happened the day before. Not really sure why I did it that way but hopefully it helps you guys distinguish.

I know you're completely capable of figuring that out I guess I'm explaining it to my own dumb self BUT STILL. anyways let's goo!

QOTC: are you on summer break yet?

"I will taze you and watch Supernanny while you drool into the carpet." -Phil Coulson (Iron Man 2)


(Oh can't forget Dan *cheeky wink* omg don't mix your references Amanda wyd)
Let's go before this becomes any more of a train-wreck.

"Nooooooo! Oh God, nooooo!" Michael Scott screamed.
We all laughed a little. We being Mariel, Russ and Stella, Gabe and Marguerite, April, Aviva, Gerald, and Zach, and me. We were gathered in the den area of the pack house watching The Office.
A loud clap of thunder made me jump a bit in my seat.
My lemonade sloshed dangerously in its glass.

I was on the end of one of the sofas, my legs dangling over the edge. I was sharing a fuzzy blanket with April who sat next to me. Mariel had sat beside her, Gabe and Marguerite were cozy on the floor with Aviva, Gerald, and Zach, and Russ and Stella were cuddled up on a love seat against the side wall.

It was storming outside, no good for anything. I had gathered my family in here for some quality Netflix time seeing as we couldn't do much else.

I was startled by more thunder, and this time my lemonade actually spilled.

It happened to spill onto Gabe's head. He struggled to wipe the lemonade off while incredulously shrieking, "Hey!" And turning to glare at me.

"Oh it wasn't my fault!" I argued. "And besides, it serves you right after what you did to my phone!"

I should probably fill you in on everything that's happened.

After April and I left Gideon's office we got everyone out of the truck and I promptly retrieved my phone that they had brought for me.

Unfortunately, it had been left under Gabe's protection, and he had filled all of my storage by taking tons of selfies and candids of others in the truck with him.

After deleting all of the selfies (I kept a few of the funnier candids) I put my phone to charge and everyone went outside.

What started as a small game of soccer involving only my family and friends quickly turned into a giant tournament involving most of Gideon's pack.

It was quite fun but eventually we had to call it quits and settle down for the night.

April spent the night with me, Mariel unfortunately had to share her space with Gabe, and Russ and Stella shared the spare room.

And that leads us to today. It was raining when I woke up and was forecasted to rain all day. So we've made the best of it with The Office in the den with snacks.

Now back to the present.

Marguerite smacked Gabe on the back of the head.

"Do I need to get you a paper towel or do you think you can handle being a little sticky?" She demanded.

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