Shizuoka , Numazu

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At Mt.Fuji airport, They went to a café and had sandwiches as breakfast , before boarding a train to Numazu . "Uwahh, this city is so beautiful !" exclaimed Honoka "We will be going to Hiroshima the day after tommorow " said Kotori.
"I remember Ami nee-sama sending a postcard of her at Numazu watergate, she said she had a part time job there " Said Umi , "What are we waiting for , Let's go!" exclaimed Honoka as she drags Umi to the Bus stop.
"Wow, It's so beautiful!" said Hanayo "I heard it will be more beautiful during the evenings , how about we stay here till then?" suggested Maki . "But I'm a little hungry " said Nozomi . "Not to worry , nya! I bought 9 cups of ramen nyaa!" Said Rin ."Rin bought those cup ramen at the airport , she bought it for lunch" explains Eli. While eating , they saw a short grey haired girl , who resembles Kotori , playing with a girl who resembles Honoka. The only difference beside age are their eye colors .
"Hey , Kotori - chan , Honoka-chan , are they your relatives?" asked Rin "We don't have relatives living here" answered Kotori
The sun began to set , and the gates' lights lit up , "It's beautiful , Hanayo , stop noting , Umi keep blowing those bubbles , I'll take a photo of both of you!" Said Eli excitedly, click!
Suddenly , someone pat Umi's back "Sonoda , you're back?" asked that person. That person was one of the employees there. "Wha...what are you talking about? Who..
Who are you?" asked the surprised Umi . "wait , you aren't Ami Sonoda?" that person looked rather embarassed "sorry!" ."Sonoda Ami - san is Umi-chan's sister , We are looking for her , do you know were she went , by any chance? Asked Honoka ."I heard she worked for the Matsuura family's diving shop near the beach here at Numazu" He answered. "Thank you very much for the information" Umi thanked the gate employee.
The next day , while headed to the Matsuura family's diving shop , they saw a girl , who resembles Nozomi and the girl that looked like Honoka they saw the day before
. "Come on , Chika-chan , jump in!" The dark purple haired girl said to her friend , she seemed afraid to jump in the water. "You'll never be able to swim if your afraid" The purple haired girl said
And , with her eyes closed , she jumped right in "Kanan - chan" said Chika as she hugs her friends in tears "It was scary~" Seeing this , Umi , Honoka and Kotori were reminded how they were back then.
"Come on , get on the boat!" Nico said "I'm not going to get seasick , right?" replied Hanayo nervously. The boat sailed to a small island , there seemed to be a house , it was definantly the divin shop. Not long after they arrived , another boat came ,"I'm home!Mom , Dad, Granpa!" that purple hair girl said , her name seems to be Kanan , as she ran in the house . "We weren't expecting guest" said a man with dark purple eyes. "We're from Tokyo , searching for Ami ....." Honoka's introduction was interviened by that man's exclaimation"Sonoda?!" . " I'm not Sonoda Ami , I'm her sister , Sonoda Umi." Umi said as she introduces her self ." sir , we heard Ami-san worked here , is she around?" asked Eli.
"Nope , she resigned a week ago , she said she wanted to go to Hiroshima,Mitsui garden hotel, and then she wants to travel around Japan as a photographer , good luck finding her ." That man explained "Thank you very much for the information!" Thanked Umi. "No problem , have a safe trip!" replied that man. μ's boarded the boat back to Numazu Beach.
Back at Awashima hotel , they saw Kanan , a blonde and a black haired girl. The black haired girl was playing a koto(tradisional Japanese instrument) suddenly , she made a mistake , causing her song to sound silly . "Mari! I told you not to touch it , Why are you laughing?" said the black haired girl . "It's joke!" replied the blonde. The girl named Kanan just watched and laughed.
"Umi-chan , we'll find her" said Kotori, calming down Umi ? Who seemed to be having troubles sleeping.
The next day , they boarded the train and went straight to Mt.Fuji airport .What they didn't know , those Numazu girls they saw are going to be the next generation of their idol group. Their destination? Of course to : Hiroshima Airport .

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