Aomori Bay Bridge

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         μ's have arrived at Misawa airport , Aomori prefecture. Umi has a feeling that she will finally catch her sister here. "Let's go to Aomori Bay Bridge!" Eli said to the group. Rin excitedly grabs her bag and runs out, searching for taxis.
       Within 5 minutes , the group were able to find 3 taxis , enough for all nine of them to ride to Aomori Bay Bridge. The trip didn't feel dull or long because they spent time chatting. Unlucky for Honk and Nico , They got to share a ride with the washi-washi queen. So they were extra , extra careful , very careful .
         They were excited . Blissfully unknowing that they will engage in a fateful encounter. They arrived at Misawa airport , Rin excitedly jumped out of the Taxi "We're finally here nyaa~!" .
           "Rin!Umi! Stand there so I can take a picture of you both !" Said Eli while getting here camera. Click! Another beautiful picture was taken , come to think about it , μ's probably have taken more than 80 snaps just in a week or two. Umi really hopes that she will find her sister here as spring break is coming to an end. They wandered the streets around the Bay Bridge before finally looking around the bridge , "lovers bridge?" Honoka asked "right , it's under the huge Bay Bridge" answered Nozomi "That mean it is hidden?" Asked Hanayo "well , if you think off it from your prespectives, it is 'hidden' " answered Maki.
              While they were chatting , Umi was still looking around , with a hopeful face , She seemed to hope meeting her sister here.
"Umi-Chan? " "Umi-chan , what's wrong" asked Kotori "UMI-CHAN!!!!!" Honoka's loud yell was able to put Umi back to her senses "Huh? What?" "what's wrong?" asked Nico "I was only looking at the be...beautiful scenery " answered Umi panickedly. "Umi-chan , I already told you that you aren't capable of hiding your own feelings right?" Nozomi said " Answer honestly or it will be washi washi for you too" she threatend."I....I was .... looking around , hoping that I would see Ami nee-sama" Umi answered "Don't worry , we're bound to find her here this time!" said Maki , atempting to calm down Umi "look!" Honoka suddenly pointed to an opposite direction , μ's turned their backs , and saw a black haired girl who looked similar to Umi.She was tall , black haired and has brown eyes , bringing a camera set with her.
          "AMI - NEE-SAMA" yelled Umi , that black haired girl heard , looked panic , walked slowly , and suddenly vacated the area . "catch her !" μ's split up chasing Sonoda Ami. "There she is , catch her!"said Eli , suddenly, Ami Sonoda disappeared.
      She ran to an ally "safe at last" she said tiredly. "Found you!" said a mysterious voice.When Ami Sonoda turned around , a purple haired vicious looking girl was raising her hands up "Don't try to escape or I'll squeeze your huge plums " she threatend . Ami was brought in front of her little sister. You would expect that Umi will hug her sister , but , she didn't . The first thing she did was slapping her "'re a teribble person , YOU'RE THE WORST!" she said angrily

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