You Look Beautiful, Killua

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Killua POV

+ Approximately 10:00am +

I stood by Gon's bedside, staring intently into his face. I had woken up early this time, but he slept soundly until 10:00am. I felt Kaito rub against my legs and let out a worried meow. I tapped my foot impatiently on the ground and leaned in towards his face. 

I accidentally leaned in a little too close. When our noses touched, Gon's eyes immediately shot open to reveal a very excited expression. His hands flew from out of the covers and grabbed my jaw, pushing me into a kiss. "Gon!" I screamed, backing away and blushing the color of rose tea. My hand rushed up to cover my mouth. 

"Good morning, Killua!" Gon smiled as he popped out of bed. He slipped into his house-shoes and trotted into the hallway. He waved his hand signaling me to follow. 

I had already prepared some pancakes, which sat delicately on the table. His eyes widened when he saw them, and he turned around to wrap me up in a hug. "Arigatou, Killua!" 

I patted his head and spread my fingers through his hair. "I have another surprise for you." I reached my hand into the fridge and pulled out a small to-go box. My feet slapped on the hardwood floor as I dashed over into the closet to grab a basket. 

Gon ran to the dining room table and flopped a few pancakes on to his plate. He eagerly grabbed the whipped cream and covered the entire plate in the fluffy white. "Gon, that's enough. I need some too!"

He shrugged and finished squirting it out. "Yes, of course, Killua, you need some." He grinned as he popped a few strawberries on the top.

"Besides, we're going out today. I can't be walking around with a guy with whipped cream stuck in his hair." I smirked, grabbing another box out of the fridge. 

"Whipped cream doesn't get stuck in my hair!" He shouted, smashing another piece of pancake into his mouth. He pouted and picked around with his fork.

"Okay, maybe not your hair... but last time I gave you pancakes with whipped cream on the table, you managed to get whipped cream in your eye. How does that happen?" I laughed, putting every box in a basket. 

"Come here, Killua..I'm lonely over here." Gon whined. He picked around his plate.

"Get the cat. I'm working on something." I snapped, putting some tomato slices in between pieces of bread. 

"Neaoooooooow!!! Killuaaaaaaa!!!" Gon smirked, flopping down on the table. 

"Gon, you're so childish." I smiled, boxing the sandwiches up and putting them in the basket.

"Are we going on a.....PICNIC?!?!" Gon yelled, noticing the multitude of boxes in the picnic basket. His hazel eyes lit up and his lips parted into a smile. "Oh, KILLUA!!!"

"It's nothing much, just something fun to do this afternoon." I paused my packing to feed meowing Kaito.

"I'm with you, and you're my everything!" Gon stood up from the table and skipped happily around in circles. "I get a day with Kill-u-a! I get a day with Kill-u-a!!" After a few laps around the table, he plopped back down into his chair and resumed his pancakes. 

"Shut up.." I blushed closing the top and coming over to sit with him.

I sat down next to Gon, waiting for him to finish his fifth helping of pancakes. "Come on... It's about time to go!" I piped up, impatient for waiting for ten minutes. I was too excited to eat, a VERY RARE occurrence. 

"Where are we going?" Gon smiled, stuffing the final piece of his breakfast into his mouth.

"Not telling." I grinned, standing up from my chair and putting my hand out. "Come on. It's time to go."


+ Approximately 1:00 +

Gon snatched the blanket out of my arms and flew it down on the ground. 

"Come on Killua, my arms are sore from basketball!" He groaned as he flopped on to the blanket. He grabbed my hand, pulling me down with him.

"And what pray tell are we going to do now?" I smiled, crossing my legs in front of me. 

He searched around for something to do, his eyes wandering all over the place. Gon shot up from his seat and ran into the open field.

"OI! Come back here!" I grinned, getting up to chase him. Goodness, can this child sit still for a SECOND?

"No! You stay there, I'll be right back!" He shouted. 

I sighed and sat back down, kicking the air in boredom. What the heck is he doing?

Gon sprinted back a few minutes later, carrying around a hundred daffodils in his arms. They nearly all spilled out, but he bit some and held them in his mouth. 

"I want to make you a flower crown!" Gon smiled, some flowers falling out of his arms and mouth. 

"B-b-baka! We're too old for that, Gon." I stated. My head turned to the side as a blush creeped up my face.

"You're NEVER too old for flower crowns." Gon chirped, poking me on the nose playfully. He grabbed my hand and put some of the mustard-colored flowers in it. "Take these."



My tense shoulders settled as I picked up two flowers. I smashed them together, expecting something to happen. I could spot Killua's head snap over to watch me.

"Gon..." He whispered. "I swear..."

"Killua? How do you make a flower crown?" I piped up, pushing my flowers into Killua's already full hands. 

"You're going to tell me that you spent your WHOLE LIFE on a freaking ISLAND and you don't know how to make a FLOWER CROWN?!?!?!!" He screamed, sitting upright and smashing his finger into my forehead.

"Hehe, I had no one to make them for. Mito-san was allergic to flowers." I sighed, watching his hands tie the ends together. "How do you know how to make them?"

"I do have a little sister, you know." He sighed, handing me the crown he made along with some flowers. "Here, you try."

I tried to tie the ends together, but it wouldn't work. Killua leaned in on to my lap and started tying them in front of my face. "See? You loop it around here, and put this under here.."

I snatched the finished flower crown from my lap and placed it on Killua's head.

"W-w-what?" He questioned as his hand searched around on his head. 

"You look so pretty!" I cheered, clapping my hands in success. 

"I look like a four-year-old, Gon." He said, taking the crown off.

"You look beautiful, Killua!" I forced it back on his bed of hair until he settled down. "See? Not that bad." 

His hands fidgeted with the flowers until another crown was finished, and he placed it on my head. "There. Now we both look like four-year-olds."

"Yaaaay!" I smiled, snatching him in a hug as my arms swooped around his arms. "I love you!!"

"Oh, you." Killua softly smiled. "You're so cute!"

Killua grabbed my jaw and pulled me into a chu. After about thirty seconds, I pushed away his shoulders. 

"Hey! W-w-was that too much----" He blushed. 

"No, it's my turn now!" I stroked his chin and giggled. 

"But what about the others around here..?" Killua whispered under his breath. A few people were staring at us, scattered around the park. 

"Ignore them. They're just jealous. We're just so much happier than them." I said.

"Come on." Killua blushed. "It's getting dark."

Ne, Killua? [A Hunter X Hunter Killugon One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now