Live interview with Javert

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Ham: Hello everyone, to the amazing interviews! Today we are interviewing the stupid, annoying, mental-

Javert: Just stop.

Ham: Ok. First question, why do you talk to stars?

Javert: Well, I think that stars are very still and very-

Ham: Ok, thank you! Next question! Do you think you'll ever catch John?

Javert: Firstly, I haven't finished. Secondly, who's John?

Ham: I don't care. John=John Valjohn

John: Don't ever do this again you creeper me out

Ham: Laurens, never intrude in others' interviews.

John: But you always intrude in our private chats!

Ham: Different case. Third question!

Javert: Wait I didn't get to finish my answer.

Ham: You have 10 seconds.

Javert: I will never rest till I catch Valjean! This I swear by-

Ham: Time's up. Next question: Why did you jump off a cliff?

Javert: It was a BRIDGE

Ham: Whatever.

Javert: Do I have to answer that?

Ham: Why not? Oh I know, you love him too much.

Javert: ***********

Ham: I'll just star that out, this is PG :)

Javert: -_-

Ham: Ok! Next question!

Javert: I haven't answered the last question?

Ham: You said you don't want to

Javert: Fine keep going...

Ham: Uhhhhh. I think that's it! Bye!

Javert: I didn't get to answer anything.

Ham: Who cares! Everyone hates you! Except me.

Javert: How can everyone hate me?

Ham: Except me.

Javert: Really... -_-

Ham: You're my fav character in Les Mis what do you think

Javert: So I'm actually a fav char?

Ham: For me only. Anyway, thank you for your time. Bye!

Javert: Wait-


*Ham pushes Javert out of room*

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