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September 19, 2002.

It was a special day in the royal palace of Domino. A place where colorful flowers grow with singing birds and happy children. Everyone lived no more than middle-class; poverty never existed on this planet. In the palace of Domino, King Oritel and Queen Marion were about to have a baby, however, the day was not all that special. As the queen was going into labor she got very sick and it was hard for her to give birth. The doctors tried all the medicine they can use to help the queen, but nothing was working. That baby boy she was carrying was eating her up inside. The king thought of one last source. His brother, King Radius, and his wife, Queen Luna, lived on a planet conjoined with Domino called Solaria.

"My brother this is serious! If Marion doesn't give birth in time for her to have my baby, they could-" Oritel said.

"Then take this," Radius said as he hands Oritel a jar with fire in it.

"What is this?"

"It is the power of the Dragon Flame."

"And how am I supposed to use this on my wife?"

"Oritel this isn't just fire. It's the Flame of Life and it can heal anyone wounded, even a woman giving birth to a baby."

King Oritel hurried back on his horse to Domino. Oritel barges through the door as Marion looked worse. Her skin was turning pale, almost looking gray. Her eyes were sunken in and her blue eyes turned brown. Oritel quickly opened the jar of the flame and stuck his hand into it and the fire was surrounding his hand. He gently rubbed the fire onto Marion's stomach and she was healing. She calmly gave birth to what was not one baby, but three babies; two boys, and a girl. The first boy was eldest by three seconds and his skin was beautiful and dark as he had cyan-blue eyes just like his mother. The second child was a girl. She was dark, like her brother, but her eyes were golden and she had a streak of blonde hair as golden as the sun. The last child was another boy. He was a mixture of both his mother and his father's skin tone, making his skin fair,  with a mixture of hazel eyes and blue eyes, they were like a blueish-green. 

The King and Queen very much praised their new triplets, as well as their oldest son Nicholas who also adored his triplet siblings. Nicholas felt a strong bond between him and his brother with the dark skin and blue eyes.

Only weeks old, the King and Queen knew that their children were special and that they would be fairies. Their daughter had the powers of the sun, just like her uncle, King Radius, based on the golden streak of hair she had. The fair-skinned boy had electronic powers because every time he cries, the electronic devices in the palace go haywire. However, the eldest triplet was hard to determine his power. He would just sit there. He did not cry, he had no signs to show what power he had.

Later that same day, the King went to the balcony to look out the window at the cherry sky until he sees buildings collapsing in a raging fire. He did not know what to make of it. He heard the cries of the kingdom fall and break down in front of his hazel eyes. 

One of the Domino guards runs to Oritel. "Your Majesty, we are under attack by three witches!"

"Okay. Find a way to get my wife and kids to safety!" Oritel pulls out his sword ready to fight. Oritel ran outside and saw three witches destroying his place. "Be gone creatures of evil! What is it that you want?"

"We want your children!" said one of the witches. "We want your child's Dragon Flame!"

"We have no Dragon Flame, witches!" Oritel shoots spells out of his sword. The witches dodge it and knock Oritel on the floor.

Marion runs out and transforms into a fairy and starts fighting the witches with all she has. The witches knock her unconscious and they fly off into the palace.

Meanwhile, the triplets' older Nicholas has all three babies wrapped around in his arm and the witches are chasing him. "You will never get the power of the Dragon Flame!" Nicholas said. Nicholas opens three portals. He sends each baby into one portal and the portal disappears.

"You will pay for this, Prince Nicholas!" said one of the witches.

The witches cast a spell on Nicholas and his eyes glow white with no pupils as his legs disappear and he floats around in the air and the witches evilly laugh at him. 

Oritel and Marion arrive.

"Nicholas! My babies!" cried Marion.

The three witches continued to laugh. The witches cast a spell on Oritel as he was getting ready to aim a spell with his sword. Oritel is slowly turning into stone and then Marion casts a spell, so she would not be without her husband and she traps herself inside his entity. Domino was fully destroyed. The witches leave since there is nothing else to do there since what they were looking for was gone.

On Planet Earth, a baby is in a burning building crying as a barrier protects it from the flames.

"Hey! There's a baby!" said a firefighter. The firefighter makes it inside the barrier and he picks the baby up. "Don't be afraid little boy, I got you."

That same night, the firefighter brings the baby home with him to his wife. He and his wife could not have children of their own, so this was their only opportunity to become parents.

"Charlie, where did you find him?" asks his wife.

"Tia he was in a burning building."

"Well, we have to return him to his family."

"Sweetheart he has no family. The building was abandoned that he was in and he needs help. We're his only hope, Tia."

Tia looks into the baby's bright precious blue eyes and he starts smiling and giggling. "Alright," she smiled.

On Solaria, Luna and Radius come back from a walk in the park as they get out of the royal carriage and notice a baby girl laying on the floor. Luna notices Radius' blonde hair on her and Oritel's hazel eyes.

"Guards, bring this baby inside," she said worriedly.

On another planet called Zenith, the fair-skinned baby teleports into an old man and old woman's living room as they watch TV.

"Electronio, who's baby is that?" the woman asks.

"Let me see, Magnetia."

The old man slowly gets up with his cane and picks up the baby and notices that the baby looks just like his daughter Marion.

"Oh my god!" Magnetia cried.

"What is it, Magnetia?" Electronio cried. 

"Look on the news! Marion and Oritel's home has been attacked and they're missing."

The old man looks at the boy once more. "Sweetie this here is our grandson."

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