Chapter 2

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The Squadd return to the majestic school of Alfea. Hajari is meeting with Faragonda and Hogan. The young fairy sits down in front of the desk. Hogan and Faragonda are standing up looking out the window behind the desk. The school has been decorated with ribbons, balloons, chairs in the courtyard, and tables for food for a special celebration.

"Hogan, welcome to the Alfea College for Fairies," Faragonda said.

Hogan chuckles. "Fairies. Is everything so happy and festive around here?"

"Today is the day of the gift, Hogan. Today, our senior students will graduate and leave Alfea. Their journey ends with this ceremony, but Hajari's journey is just beginning."

Hogan and Faragonda turn to Hajari.

"That's why I need to talk to you, Master Hogan. I know my parents---my birth parents, are lost or trapped somewhere in the Magic Dimension. I have to find them. You're the only one that can go me." Hajari said.

"Don't expect to much from me, young man. You'll end up disappointed," Hogan said.

"Hajari, studied the story of the sword, he knows," said Faragonda.

Hajari opens a book with a man bearing a striking resemblance to Hajari, except that does not have hair red hair like Hajari. The man is also holding a sword with a blue flame at the edge of it. "This is the sword of King Oritel, my father."

"Ah, yes the sword, it is completely indestructible and will last for all eternity."

Hajari holds Hogan's big meaty hand with his two hands. "And because you made it, I know you can sense my father's presence. Wherever it may be. If I can find that sword, I'll find my father."

"Oh, Hajari...I've created a thousand swords But for your father, I created a thing of beauty. Something that will keep us all safe in the kingdom of Domino, but when the Ancestral Witches attacked the kingdom, it was time to see what the sword can do. We fought them all until the final bitter end." Hogan bangs his fist onto the desk. "And instead of ultimate triumph, we paid the ultimate fatal price. I was fighting alongside your parents that dreadful day and ever since then I have not stop trying to search for my best friends, your mother and your father, and I have found nothing."

Hajari's gazing blue eyes start twinkling is sadness. "But the Magic Dimension is so...huge! You have to keep looking."

Hogan places both his hands on both of Hajari's shoulders. "Hajari, I know what's in your heart, but you have to face reality. I am sorry."

Hajari throws Hogan's hands off and runs out crying. "No! No!"

"This is not easy for me!" Hogan said as he closes the book, slamming it on the desk and startling Faragonda.

Meanwhile in the lobby, the Squadd were waiting for Hajari to finish the meeting and they see Hajari running past and sobbing.

"Wait, Hajari! Tell us what happened!" Hajarianna shouted.

Faragonda comes down the steps. "Hajarianna, you're a great friend and a wonderful sister to Hajari, but right now he needs time to be alone. So come on, children. The ceremony is about to begin."

During the ceremony, hundreds of seniors were getting are all dressed up in their graduation cap and gowns as well as all the teachers. Faragonda is on standing on the stage behind the podium. Unfortunately, because he did not rescue a someone from his own world to become a guardian fairy, Hajari is not graduating, so he will not be there. He does not even care about that really. He sadly watches the ceremony from the roof of a tower, thinking about what Hogan said; never being able to find his birth parents.

Squadd Bunch: Secret Of The Lost KingdomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora