Chapter 3

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The next day, Hajari wakes up. All of the Squadd had already left the school to return home. Hajari washes up and gets dressed. As soon as Hajari walks gloomily out of the school, it starts to rain. Hajari goes on a bus and cannot stop thinking about Bloom. He has repeatedly called her phone and it goes straight to voicemail. Hajari then arrives back to Earth and returns home.

The fairy ate dinner with his family then after, Hajari is telling his mom about all the battles he had fought, lost, and won. He also talked about all of the fun he had in school. 

Months have passed since Hajari had seen his friends, Alfea, and has been to the Magic Dimension. Hajari puts on his heaviest clothes, runs outside, and plays in the white coating beside Kiko. Tia and Charlie watch as Hajari sits outside and they notice that he is not right.

"Look, Tia. Hajari hasn't been himself lately," said Charlie.

"I know. Gardenia's too small for him now. This isn't his home anymore," Tia said.

That night, Hajari is fast asleep and Tia peaks her head in his room.

"Sleep tight, Hajari. Tomorrow is going to be a very special day."

A flash of light appears. Hajari has transformed into a fairy and he sees his friends just disappearing, except Michael.

"No, wait! Come back!" Hajari cries.

Then, Hajari runs up to Michael and Michael disappears. Then, Bloom appears and Hajari runs up to her and she disappears. 

"Hajari!" called a man and woman's voice faintly in unison. They ate both dressed in old fashion aristocrat attire with crowns.

"Marion and Oritel!" Hajari runs up to them and the Evil Ancestral Witches block Hajari from reaching his parents. Hajari falls to his knees frightened by all that is happening. "I'm alone!" he cries. Hajari covers his face and his wings disappear. 

"Hajari," said a soft and kind voice.


"Hajari, I need to speak with you. Come to Lake Rochaluce,"

Hajari's wings reappear and a flash of light bursts. Hajari and Nicholas are floating face-to-face in the air over the lake.

"Hello, little brother."

"Nicholas, it's been so long."

"Listen carefully, Hajari. Things are about to get very dangerous. Our father had something called the Book of Fate, it contained every person of the Royal Family of Domino."

"Where is the Book of Fate?"

"It's on Domino. Our father had thought the book was destroyed when the Ancestral Witches destroyed Domino, but I was able to hide it in a safe place up in the mountains of Domino."

"Then I will go and find that book!"

"Hajari, wait!" Nicholas takes his golden mask off his face and hands it to Hajari. "It's my mask, take it. It will allow you to see Domino as I once saw it." Nicholas is starting to fade away. "I have to go back to the bottom of the lake to rest."

Hajari hugs Nicholas tightly. "Nicholas, please. Don't go."

"Hajari, this is not goodbye. I just want you to know that I am always by your side." Nicholas fades away. "You're never truly alone." 

"And Nicholas we'll be a family again. One day."

Hajari jumps out of his bed as the sun shines bright through his window. Hajari gets dressed and rushes downstairs. "Mom! Dad! You'll never believe-"

"Happy birthday!" said Hajari's parents, the Squadd, and the Specialists.

"Oh my, what's this?" Hajari asks as he scratches his head.

"Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday, Hajari?" said Tia.

"You know if there's a party, Hajarianna will be the first in and last out!" Hajarianna said. 

"It was all your mom's idea," said Michael.

"And I must say, Hajari. You are a tough fairy to shop for!" said Hajarianna. 

"No, I know but seeing all of you again is the best thing ever," Hajari said to the Squadd. 

"Really? Are you sure?" Michael asked.

"Never mind, Bloom, you can go home!" Hajarianna said.

"Bloom?" Hajari said as his eyes brighten up.

Hajari turns around and Bloom jumps onto him hugging him around his neck.

"Here I am, Hajari!" she said.

"Bloom, I've called you two thousand times. Your phone's been off ever since...ever since that night."

"Ever since that night, I've been on an intense journey, but I've never stopped thinking about you Hajari."

"Hajari? What's the amazing thing that just happened to you?" asked Musa.

"Yeah, Hajari, what's going on?" asked Riven.

"Nicholas came to me in my dreams. My birth parents are alive and I'm going to find them."

"You're never going alone, Hajari. You know we got your back," Hajarianna said. "Now can we get this party started? 

"Always trust what's in your heart and believe you can do it. That's what you taught me, Bloom," Hajari said.

"Now, let's get this party started!" said Hajarianna. "Hajari, light the candles and make a wish."

"Flame of Domino!" Hajari said as blue fire appears on the tip of his fingers and he lights the red candles.

Charlie starts sneezing when Pur comes near him. "I'm allergic to cats!" said Charlie.

In a dark cave, the Ancestral Witches are angry as the sword of King Oritel shines bright with the blue flame on the handle.

"The sword awakens, I feel the power of Domino!" yells one of the witches, monstrous and echoed. 

"Its light is hot i-it burns us, it burns!" cries another witch.

"I can't believe this. Something or someone is awakening Domino, but who? Who?" said a third witch.

"We destroyed that planet. Its inhabitants and its king. No one has access to that power anymore!" said the second witch.

"We must destroy that wretched sword! Only then will the power of domino be obliterated from the magical dimension!" said the first witch.

"But how? The tiniest touch almost destroyed us and killed every warrior who tried to get near it."

Bugs materialize out of the ground. They come together and transform into a woman with spiky hair and ultra-sharp claws.

"My Mistresses! Mandragora is at your command. If you transfer the power of dark energy to me, I will leave this cold prison of the Obcident Circle and seek out the misery of all your pain!"

"So be it. Eternally Darkness!" said the second witch.

"Untamed Lightning!" said the first witch.

"Bottomless Ice!" said the third witch.

The Ancestors converge their powers and give Mandragora their powers.

"I feel the strength of your powers flowing through my veins! When I found the creature causing your pain! I will kill it with my own bare hands! Hahahahahah!" Mandragora said as she evilly laughs.

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