Chapter 2 Segal

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I felt something holding me down and opened my eyes. A red and gold blur held down my arms while a white blur slowly walked toward me. Instantly, I started to struggle and fight my captors. The evil and vial heat I felt in the arena before, began to return to me. The men's grip released from me as my body heated up. Once I was freed, I tried to escape. Then a man  waved a bright blue dust in my face.

I opened my eyes again to find myself surrounded by men in dark blue cloaks. Their faces, hidden away. The only thing I could see was their chins. The room was lit by dim torches. Each of which seem to point towards me.

"Who are you?" Screamed the whited bearded man.

"My name..." For a moment, I forgot my name. "My name is Drake." I replied weakly.

"Drake what? Tell us of what descendants do you come from?" Asked a stern voiced man. His chin, the size and shape of a brick.

I was scared to tell them my full name but I feared more for what they would do to me if I didn't. "Hellgate... I am Drake Hellgate. Son of Andrew Hellgate, and Hailey Reigns..."

The cloaked cult gasped. "Lies!" Shouted an old man. "Lies boy Lies! Your parents were executed for treason! Then afterwards you were killed as an infant! The blood line should of ended there!"

"Well it didn't," said a soft female voice. "It's obvious by the way he went nova."

"I went what? What happened to me?" 

I started demanding answers. Millions of questions ran through my head. What's going nova? Why were my parents executed for treason. What do they mean it SHOULD of ended?

"It's a trait bound only to the Hellgate family." Scolded the woman. 

 The White bearded turned away from me. "They have been known to have a relentless thirst for blood. Valiant demon hunting warriors, but they were known to be the evilest family of all humanity. If they felt like it, they would go on killing sprees."

"That cursed family has been known to make deals with the devils to gain powers mortals have yet to know. " Said the bearded man.

"To fight angels?" I said in disbelief. 

I always thought angels were our friends, not our enemies. If it is anyone we should be fighting, it would be those demons, right? So, why would we fight the angels?

The woman with the soft voice walked up to me. Her face so awkwardly close, I could see how perfect her skin complexion was. "What shall we do with the Hellgate? He is too dangerous for any of us to control."

How am I dangerous? Isn't it a normal, and ordinary power to have? I mean, I am able to control fire. Everyone else has powers too. Rock, water, forgery, and a million others. How am I uncontrollable?

Julius walked into the room from nowhere, with elegance. His eyes blue like tempered steel in contrast to his deep and dark red  armor. "On the contrary, I believe that he would be a valuable weapon in my army" Julius gave me a reassuring wink. "I promise you that if I could turn this boy into a soldier, we can win any war. No one has as much potential as he does."

The old cold voiced man stepped in front of Julius. "But what if the boy – "

"Don't worry about anything my lord, if the boy so much as thinks of escaping, I will slay him where he stands. Besides his true potential hasn't even been reached and lacks experience."

The answer must have satisfied the old cold voice, for he went quiet. I still had many questions that needed answers. Julius looked at me and ushered me to fallow him. The robed weirdos let me go, and I did as he said.

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