Chapter 6 Call From Above

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I walked back through the torch forest and to find Alabaster waiting for me.

"Oh, you figured it out did you?" He asked surprised.

"No, I didn't. I just fought back."

"Then good heavens Drake, you did figure it out."

"How did I figure it out?"

"If you think about it, you will know."

"Please tell me there is no more logs or shadow things."

"Shadow creatures, and no there is nothing else. All we are going to do is check in with Julius and them. Maybe they have more info about the murders."

For a moment, I have forgotten about the murders. I was to focused on staying alive.

"Maybe they found the..."

"Shh, I am trying to reach the other side." He snapped as he drew a weird sun and moon glyph with all kinds of shapes around it.

Silence overtook the woods. Then a burst of flames erupted from the glyph. I looked at Alabaster, expecting this to be a normal thing. But, it wasn't. He looked at me with deep worry and concern. Something was obviously wrong.

The flame of the glyph changed from a blue color to a bright green fire. Then a voice came from it. "Hello there Alabaster," The voice was young, but ghastly. "I have some bad news for you. I know about your mole." It chuckled. "Oh, it must be horrible! Your traitorous friend went spontaneously missing, but have faith. Have faith in the celestials. They will eradicate all the evil in this world. Including you and the Hellgate you are hiding. If you want your friend to remain alive, please come to the celestial chambers and we will trade off. I got to go now, I am a very busy man." Then the fire and the voice both extinguished.

As the fire went out, Alabaster let out a loud grunt. "I got to go to Segal and get Julius out of there. It most likely a trap, but I will be very careful and sneak through."

"I am going with you." I demanded.

"No, you are not ready yet. Besides, we don't want another nova episode to go off. When you finish your training, you can go."

"Okay so when is training over?"

He rushed away into his house to grab sandals. When he came closer I seen that they had wings attached to them, and glyphs carved onto the sides. "You can't go, its much to dangerous." He slipped on the sandals.

I felt very insulted. "Why are you going then?"

"Because I have the skill and experience to do so. I would teleport there, but it is much too dangerous to do so; it's too unpredictable when you are using man made glyphs. Now step away, I haven't used one of these in years."

I stood back like he said and he suddenly jolted up into the air. I screamed with excitement. I watched him fly away until he was only a little dot against the rising sun. I know I can't control my powers. I know I am not trained or well skilled. But Dam it don't underestimate me! I thought.

My mind started racing with thoughts of what I could do. I could walk there, but that would take too long. Eventually, I started to pace. I could use a pair of alabaster's fancy flying shoes, but that could cost a fortune. Then it struck me. Alabaster's glyphs! It couldn't be that hard, right? All I got to do is find his teleporter station.

I then rushed over to Alabaster's cave and began to search for a teleporter station. With no luck, I sat down in own of the comfy chairs by the fireplace. I was ready to accept defeat. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alabaster's door. His room was the only room I didn't check. But My inner conscious told me not to go in there. Curiosity soon bested my consciousness. If I can't know what is going on, at least I can know about Alabaster.

I slowly walked over to the door, feeling that if I move too quickly it will eat me alive. My hand trembled as it pushed open the door. Inside was a Chest, King size bed with elaborate covers, and A nightstand with a picture on it. As I drew nearer to the nightstand, the picture gave me a familiar feeling. As the old wooden frame laid in my hands, I could see a happy family. A younger version of Alabaster held on to, what I assumed to be his child. Beside him was a very beautiful woman with her hair in ponytail. Maybe that was his wife. In the background, stood a man who even though handsome, still had a disgusted face. He did not look excited to be there.

I put the picture down and rushed off to see if I could find anything else. In Alabaster's bedroom chest, I found many books about Glyph Casting. As I researched into it, I found that many of the advance glyphs were nearly possible to memorize. I don't know how Alabaster does this. His family must be spectacular with these symbols. Soon, I thumbed my way to Glyph Teleportation in the book "Mastering the art of Glyph Casting"

It read, For one to initiate teleportation, one must first create the symbol of Ora. I did as followed and created a half scribble of the fire like glyph. Next, Is the basic and rudimentary system of Ugwayi. I drew a lopsided outer ring with the glyphs looking more like doodles than actual glyphs. Last of all, you must supply Eco. To do this, you can buy some at the magical shop, or you can make your own.

I searched around Alabaster's cave to find a greenish glowing liquid. I guess that was it. I flipped to the other page on the book. Instructions: Pour glowing liquid onto glyphs, stand on glyphs, Say destination. There was a warning label below the instructions, but I paid no mind. I am sure there isn't much harm in using it.

I poured the Eco all over my scribble glyph and stood on it. I hopped it worked, because if not, I am shit out of luck. Then I bellowed my destination. "The floating city of Segal!" The glyphs began to buzz and zap at me like an angry nest of hornets. They also started to admit a faint blue glow and I felt myself chill and major pressure mount on top of my shoulders. 

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