Chapter 8 Escape

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"Well at least we know where Alabaster is now."

"We gotta do something Julius!" I cried aloud.

"Yes, I know but the streets will be heavily guarded, and towers are set on roofs. How do you suppose we get there?"

After that, everyone brainstormed ideas. I asked Trixie if she could teleport us into the tower, but she couldn't. She never seen the inside of the tower, thus she couldn't make a portal to it. After a while, I seen the light bulb go off in Julius' eyes. "I got a magnificent idea! It will be fun for everyone."

"Really? How so?"

"Well, fun for me, but not for you."

He pulled out old metal handcuffs and strapped thep them to my wrist. "What is this? What are you doing?"

"Drake Hellgate you are under arrest. I sentence you to torture until death with your conspirator Alabaster." He then starting to push me out of the base into the streets. The first set of guards looked and was amazing at the sight of me in cuffs. Julius waved to them, told them a lie and ordered them to another station. As we made our way to the end of the Island, a grand tower stood on its own floating plot.

The building itself looked dark and gloomy. The bricks old, and the roof tiling a dark blood red. As Julius was about to walk in, two very large imperial guards stopped us.

The left guard glared at me and the right guard spoke to Julius. "We shall handle the criminal. You may leave General Julius."

My stomach lurched, and I readied myself to run. Luckily, Julius had already planned this lie. "Are you kidding me? This mere boy costed many lives of my men. I want to put him in myself and watch him squirm." I gave Julius a weird look but in return he smacked me across the face. "Don't you dare look me in the eyes you morbid boy!"

The guards seemed impressed with the act and they let us into the towers chambers. When we started climbing the stairs and got out of earshot, I kicked Julius in the shin.

"Owe, was that for?"

"That was for slapping me really hard."

"Oh Hogwash! That's what real acting is made out of! Pain, sweat and tears."

As we peered into the chamber room at the top of the tower, I nearly wanted to vomit. Other people were stretched out on tables in many painful manners. Some were chained to the walls, and others were just already dead. On the deadliest machine of all, Alabaster clung to life. He was arched on a wheel with spikes digging into his spine and neck.

I immediately ran to him, putting my ear to his chest. "He is still alive!" I said loudly. Julius hushed me. Together we took him off the death wheel and laid him on the ground. He tried to speak but the pain made it too hard for him to bare. "How do we get out of here?" I asked.

"Well, that part will be where it's a little bit of fun for you."

"What do I have to do?

"Do you like the armor the Imperial officers are wearing?"

"I suppose so, why do you ask?"

"Because you are being promoted to honorary officer. You're just gonna borrow some armour from one of them."

"Borrow?" I said in an unamused tone.

"Ya, I will call up one of the guards and you knock them out!"

"Why do I have to knock them out?"

"Because I don't like hitting my own men. Their loyalty is everything to me."

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