Chapter 3 Everything Goes Wrong

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After I Thomas headed out to do his "own thing", I headed for the city to explore. The more I explored the city, the more I realized this was no heaven. It was hell. So many homeless people standing by drums of fire. Many using their powers to rob others out of their money. Isn't there any jobs? Perhaps it is a way of control?

As I wondered around I eventually found an area of makeshift shops on Cherrywood Lane. I strolled by doing some window shopping. Since I was broke it's all I could do. Many offered to sell handmade ornaments, food, and many supposed ancient artifacts.

I then caught a shimmer in the corner of my eye. A silvery red medallion in the shape of a flame. It was very tempting for me to steal.

"Two-hundred pents." Said a black haired tanned man.

"Sorry I don't have any money, I just looking around."

"He turned around giving me a scolding look. Then he turned around quickly throwing the medallion at me. "Here take it! Please don't hurt me, I have a family and three kids!"

"What I-"

"Just take it!"

I did as he told and put the medallion on. I walked down another lane trying to avoid being seen. When I looked back, I seen a warning poster with my face and name. One of the posters flew off and landed at me feet. As I scanned it and became even more confused. It claimed I was a dangerous psychopath.

A woman in a dark blue skirt and light blue blouse called my name and I looked up surprised. "Hey Drake!" Greeted Elizabeth. "I am so happy to see you!"

"You mean, you aren't scared to talk to me?"

"No, not really. I saw what you did in the arena. your eyes went red, your body covered in flames. Next thing I know you went from a nobody to the talk of the city. How did you do that?"

I stayed silent. I tried to come up with a sound story to tell her, but I am sure she already knew. She just wanted to hear it straight from the source.

"Well, I... Uh..." I stumbled.

"You don't have to be afraid, I don't judge." She reassured.

"I went nova." I mumbled as I walked ahead.

"I figured as much." She said, catching up to me.

"How could you tell?" I asked stupidly.

"It's what the Hellgates do. Like my family uses stone, your family uses... Well that's not important." She said with a smile. "Not that it's bad or anything."

I gave her a grim smile.

She looked around to see if the coast was clear. "Don't be so down on yourself. Hey, how about I take you somewhere fun?"

"Sure. I mean, what will we be doing?"

"Something fun!" She said jumping up and down, clapping her hands. "Come on!"

She grabbed my hand and lead the way down alleys. My heart beat nervously and my stomach slushed like a wave. This was the first time a girl has ever held my hand. She climbed up the fire escape first in a rush, and I followed suit. Those star blue eyes had me lock down. How?

After we reached the top of the building she ushered me to fallow and ran at the edge of the building. I panicked and attempted to chase her, but she already jumped off the edge. Her legs sprawled out like and ballet dancer in the air. She then landed on a building below and stood up looking at me.

"Come on! I know you can do it! Don't be a wimp!" she screamed back.

My inner fear started to bubble and conjure itself, but I didn't want to let Elizabeth down. So, I backed up and took a breath. My feet pounded the ground as I ran. With all my might I leaped off the edge and went flying across the air. For at least a second I felt like a bird, feeling like nothing could ever touch me in the air.

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