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*Kaylee's perspective*

At first I was happy by everyone welcoming me back and talking about how they missed me. For two weeks I thought everything would be okay. Then today I started to hear the rumors.

"The slut probably got raped and had to wait a year for abortion"

"I bet she ran away because she is suicidal and a lesbian and has no friends lol"

"Who gives a fuck?"

"She probably gave herself all those bruises"

"I think she's insane!"

"We shouldn't be in the same school as that freak"

At night their words would haunt me and I would cover my mouth with my hands silently sobbing. I convinced everyone that I was happy and they believed me. No one checked me anymore no one found my razors. When I was with my friends I would be fine but when Destiny was sleeping I let my thoughts over take me. Destiny never knew anything was up because she always sleep through the night and I would always have everything put away and put a fake smile on my face by 6:00 (the time she woke up). 

Every day was a repeat now, I would go to sleep at 11:00. Wake up at 12, cover my mouth and cry, then eventually go to the bathroom and cut myself, then I would shower at 5 and be ready by 6:30. Then Destiny would take her turn in the bathroom while I went on my phone. Then Destiny and I would go meet Erin and Zoey. Then I would act normal when we went to school. Then after school Destiny would go hang out with Josh while I weren't over to Mikey's. Zoey had found someone in our grade that she liked and they started dating. Erin normally just when out and played with cats. Whenever I went to Mikey's house I actually felt happy. He was the only one that I had told about what happened.

When Daren kidnapped me he kept me in a building in the woods by the school, every once in a while I would escape but I always got caught. Daren tortured me and raped him and hit me and I hated it all. But then I finally escaped. I had been planning it for months. I wanted to come back on a certain day though so I waited. Then came the day, I slipped out and ran to the police station. They arrested Daren and gave me some extra clothes. Then they drove me to Mikey's house. 

The first night back in the apartment was terrible I had a nightmare that Daren came back and Destiny had to call Mikey to calm me down. But eventually I settled into a routine. Mikey would drive me home at 9 and I would hang out with Destiny Erin and Zoey until 11 where we all went to sleep. Well in my case a little sleep. 

I just want everything to stop now. I want them to shut up. I want everyone to shut up. Maybe I should go mute. Maybe I should show people what I want. If anyone asks I'll just say that I hurt my voice and wasn't aloud to sing. I finally decided after 2 hours that this was the right decision. After today I would Shut Up. Forever. 

Shut Up. (Sequel To Art School)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant