Thinner Than My Patience

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*Destinys POV*

I woke up with a pounding head ache and I reeked of booze and cigarettes. I wasn't fully drunk last night so I did remember what happened with Kaylee. God she was so rude too me; She wouldn't even let me explain.God- I was so done. She had taken everything form me. My personality, my strength, my heart, my patience. It was all adding up.

But this morning I realise she took something new.  She took my notebook.  It wouldn't matter if I didn't write in it. But I did. Once.

It was the day I got it and I wrote down every single feeling I had at that exact moment.  Since then I have read it every day. The feelings were easy to understand they simply sated
"Today I was confronted with a new emotion, today I realised I was in love with her.  I will never act on this.  If she comes back I will never tell her.  She will never know.  Josh has asked before, and I said no.  But today I felt different."

That's it, that's the only thing in my entire journal. In a panic I picked up my phone and sent her a text.  It was on read immediately; but that's how it stayed.  That's the instance that I realised I fucked up; you don't write things like that down.  I packed up all my stuff and called Josh.  I asked if I could live with him because I didn't feel comfortable around Kaylee yet, but he said I was silly and I'd get over it.  I started to feel lost.  I didn't know what to do. So I fled. . 

Just like a bird.

I fled.

And with that, I was gone.

I didn't know if I'd be back.  I didn't know if I wanted to be.  But nonetheless I fled. I only had $125 and a debit card with about $27 on it.  But I fled.  I had to.  No notes.  No texts.  No calls.  I put done my phone and left.

I was a bird migrating- fleeting. 

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