Drunken Farewell

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*Kaylees perspective*

The doctors didn't go well at all. They found my scars they said I had depression and anxiety.  They gave me a ton of medicine and told Mikey places i could go to for therapy. I demanded that mikey taking me home after that. I hated Mikey for taking me there. I hated myself for not being able to fix everything, last night i decided to stay home instead of going to the creek with Katie, I knew i shouldn't have but once again I looked through Destinys phone. She had broken up with Josh, and the only person texting her recently had been Mikey asking about me. I went into her notes and I was greeted with a couple paragraphs. She was talking about a ton of things that had happened. She wasn't happy. I tried to make her happy but i couldn't, that's two things i tried to fix but couldn't. I also noticed that Erin and Zoey don't talk to her anymore. Then i opened anotner note and my heart stopped. Destiny was drinking and smoking. 

Suddenly my heart started beating a whole lot faster. I sniffed the awful air and realized how it reaked of alcohol and nicotine covered with slight lemony smell. Daren. Daren. Daren.

I collapsed onto the floor put my hands over my ears brought my knees to my chest and screamed. 

And it was loud.

Destiny opened her eyes wide and looked at me in horror. I just kept screaming. She then looked at the floor and saw that her phone was open to the notes. She read the note and looked at me. She looked like she was going to say something but I shook my head. 

She spoke anyway "Kaylee i'm sorry about that can you just forgive me?". Her words were slurred, she was still drunk. 

I stood up and backed into the corner.

Suddenly Daren was standing there walking over towards me. I blinked and saw that it was really Destiny.

I couldn't help but notice how similar her and Daren looked. I looked over to her bed and saw alcohol bottles peaking out. 

I imagined how they would feel hitting me head.

I imagined Destiny doing it like Daren had.

I imagined Destiny doing what Daren did.

"Kaylee come back you're fine" her words still sounded slurred to me. 

Suddenly i heard something else 

"Get back over here you little shit"

"Let me give you the beating you deserve"

"You piece of worthless trash" 

The words came from Destiny but her lips didn't move

For the first time in forever i spoke to Destiny "leave me the hell alone" and with that i grabbed a small bag and stuffed a couple pairs of clothes into it.

I also grabbed my journal and phone and just about everything that was mine.

I even grabbed a bottle of the pills i was given.

the whole time Destiny was saying "Kaylee what's wrong? Where are you going? Hello?"

But i just tuned out her voice.

once i had everything i simply walked out the door. 

Only then did it occur to me that i had no where to go.

I let my feet walk me though, my feet made me walk to a place that I had only been to once but had been welcome to.

I sighed and knocked on the door.

I was aware that my eyes were red and I had scratches on my legs and arms but I didn't care.

"Kaylee what are you doing here?" Katie asked right after she opened the door.

Then she got a closer look at me

"Oh my god what happened? Did you get into a fight with Mikey?" her eyes were wide with concern 

I shook my head and pointed inside.

"Oh do you need a place to stay?" she asked now seeing all the stuff in my hands

I nodded

"Well you can stay here" she said stepping aside and letting me inside.

I opened my phone and looked at the time and saw it was 12 am. We should probably both be sleeping. 

"uh you can sleep in that bed right there, I'll sleep with Ryan upstairs i guess, do you need anything" she asked

i shook my head

Finally she walked up the stairs 

I layed down in the bed but sleep didn't come. I sighed and rolled over to my bag pulling out my black journal, I opened it to the first page. Something wasn't right 

"Destinys Day" was writing in bold letters.

I turned over the notebook and saw that it was a slight blue.

I had grabbed the wrong notebook 

Destiny had my notebook 

Shut Up. (Sequel To Art School)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora