Why won't you speak?

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*Kaylee's perspective*

"Kaylee? Why don't you speak to me anymore" Mikey's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I shrugged and kissed him on the cheek, sliding off his bed.

"Kaylee please speak to me I'm scared" Mikey's voice was filled with worry. I sighed and grabbed a notepad off the desk and wrote "My throat just hurts right now, I'm fine" I handed it to him pulling off my best fake smile. He hugged me

"You know I'm not a fool I know that isn't true, just tell me why you don't want to speak and i'll respect that please don't lie" Mikey's eye started to water. I sighed and wrote "not right now! Maybe later it's getting late and I need to go home." Mikey sighed a said "okay" and together we walked outside. Normally Mikey would drive me home but today i wanted to walk. So when Mikey pointed at the car I shook my head and he said "you wanna walk?" I nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked together.

Eventually Mikey started talking about weird things that happened today and overall was just trying to get me to laugh. So i did. It was a fake laugh but I made it the best I could. 

When we got to my apartment I waved goodbye but Mikey walked in with me. Once inside he saw Destiny and asked if he could talk to her about something "school related" outside. So Destiny and Mikey walked outside and Mikey closed the door. Did he really think I wouldn't find a way to listen? 

One thing that I noticed is how thin the door are and you can hear anything that's happening behind it just by putting your ear to the door. So I did.

"-won't talk to me. Is she talking to you?" said Mikey's voice. I rolled my eyes. Of course he wouldnt believe me. He was the only one that I definitely knew saw behind my act. 

"No, then again I haven't exactly seen her all day but she hasn't said a thing today according to my knowledge but I'll ask Katie, Erin, and Zoey if they have talked to her today" Said Destiny 

"She said she had a sore throat do-" I didn't hear the rest because I pulled away, Mikey didn't believe me.

Mikey doesn't trust me.

Trust is a very fragile thing.

If you break it once, you either break it again or you learn.

I'm tired of people not trusting me

Everyone thought I was different now because I had left.

No one trusted me.

And I didn't trust anyone. 

Suddenly I spot Destinys phone on the nightstand. Even though I know I shouldn't I run over to it. 

She left it unlocked.

I take a deep breath and hit messages.

I tap Mikey's name 

"Did Kaylee eat?"

"How long did Kaylee spend in the bath?"

"Do you think she is okay?"

Mikey was using Destiny to spy on me. 

What the hell.

Then I tapped Zoey's name, they were full of texts asking if i was acting different, then I scrolled up a bit to far and saw something I wish I didn't. They were fighting. And it was my fault. Erin's texts looked almost the same. 

Then I tapped on Josh. 

He was the only one who I saw that didn't have a text about me so far.

But i noticed that they weren't acting like lovers. 

They were growing apart. 

It was my fault.

Everything was falling apart and it was my fault. 

I thought everyone was fine. 

Guess they aren't the only ones who can put on an act

*2 hours later* 

I was standing in the bathroom like I normally did trying to calm down but I couldn't. I needed silence.

I looked at the window and thought about how easy it would be to slip outside. 

And that's what I did.

It surprisingly didn't make much noise at all.

Once I was outside I started to walk. I didn't mean to go anywhere in particular. I just let my feet take me where they wanted to. 

5 minutes later I realize where I am. 

It's the place where I had always gone with Mikey.

The creek by the school.

I sat down under the tree and just listened to the water flowing. 

Suddenly I noticed a dark figure approaching me. 

"Hello?" It was a female voice

Quickly I take my phone out of my pocket go into notes and type hello on the screen and hold it up at the person.

The person was Katie.

"Oh hey Kaylee"

Katie and I had become sort of friends after I came back, we didn't hang out that much but we always joked around in class together. She was one of the only people I could tolerate lately. She didn't ask questions, she didn't make assumptions, she just talked to me like I was a normal human. 

She was already aware of my whole not talking situation and she respected it.

"So what are you doing out here this late?" Katie says suddenly, breaking me out of my thoughts,

I quickly type "Just needed some peace and quiet. What about you?"

"I come here every night because I can like never sleep and it's so peaceful here and I normally just listen to music or something until about 4 then I head back" She said 

"Could you play some music?" I type 

"sure" she says 

And soon I hear the sound of music and I lean back against the tree.

I let my tears flow, and since its dark she can't see them. I mostly control my sobs  but the ones that do escape are blocked out by the music.

Then around 4 we both head back.

And I continue my normal schedule.

*1 week later*

It's been a week since I  have gone mute. When you're silent you notice things you wouldn't notice before. 

Like for example, I found that Erin and Zoey normally stare at me all class like they are waiting for something.

I also notice that Mikey will somehow find his way into everyone of my classes at least once. 

But the main things i notice are about Destiny. She has been coming home earlier and earlier (I noticed this because I have been getting home earlier and earlier too and she is always there before me). Also whenever Destinys phone goes off she always looks at me before sighing and opening the text. 

Every night i go to the creek with Katie and we listen to music.

It's probably my favorite time of the whole day now.

Because sometimes you just need to shut up and listen to music and cry.

It felt good

Maybe me going mute was best for everyone.

Because now that I had found the problems, I was planning on fixing them.

Shut Up. (Sequel To Art School)Where stories live. Discover now