A new beginning & A bumpy start

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Destinys POV

Every night since she came back I hear footsteps and see dim lights under the crack of my door. I'm too afraid to say anything to her though, she's been through so much trauma. So I stay silent and sit in my bed praying for it to get better; I've never been religious but I just needed some kind of hope. Hope was the only thing to keep me sane while hearing her choked sobs in the night.

We had a routine going on, I would wake up at 4:45 every morning and wait in my room until 6:00.  Kaylee would have a fake smile on and get in the shower and I'd wait.
I'd wait for her to get out.
I'd wait for things to get better.
I'd wait for the coffee machine to make my damn coffee.

Every morning I'd wait and every morning two of those things happen. 
I'd get my coffee and swap places with kaylee so I could shower and put on my face. 

Everyday our fake routine worked.  There wasn't any need to change it.  I smiled and shrugged off seeing her razor blades in the bathroom and kept my mouth shut.  I told myself to avoid the trouble. I was turning into a bystander of an actual catastrophe.

But I stayed quiet, we all did.

It didn't matter that Zoey and I got into fights while Kaylee was gone. It didn't matter that Erin took Zoeys side. It didn't matter that Josh and I almost ended it right before Kaylee came back.  We played our parts and tried are best to act normal.

Well,  as normal as young adults can be.

Sometimes I wish I never came to this school.  I  wish I could've pursued creative writing and been a famous author.  I wish I could've traveled.  I just wish I was smarter. I never even should've hurt myself in the first place.  I was dumb, self harm is never the option- but I can only learn from my mistakes.

I just wish Kaylee would learn too.

But as you know silence never lasts. Someone would crack and everything would shatter.  What wasn't expected was Kaylee to not notice.  She didn't notice anything; she stuck to her routine and acted as though everything was fine.

I envied her ability to do so. But I didn't realise it was more than an act- she truly was a broken girl and nobody knew what to do when she screamed shut up.

I didn't get what she meant at the time...  But now I realise shut up wasn't  a plea for help,  it was an order.  Because after she screamed shut up she didn't speak again. 

From that day forth she was silent. As silent as you can be. 

Shut Up. (Sequel To Art School)Where stories live. Discover now