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Kim Namjoon's POV

I was doing my assignment when my phone ringed. I tried to ignore it since really have to finish it but it keeps on ringing.

"What?" I asked in a harsh tone, not caring who's on the other line.

"Oh hyung!"


"The one and only."

"When did you come back?"

Using my shoulder to support the phone so that I could continue my work. This seriously needs to be done.

"Meh a week ago.."

"Yah why didn't you tell me? I thought I'm your best friend?" I pout but face palmed myself when I realised he couldn't see me.

"Mianhae." He chuckled.

"And since you're my best friend I'm inviting you to my party tonight."

"If you're my best friend, you should know now that I don't like parties Jackson."

"Please hyung. I'm going back in two days!"

"Well it's not my fault that you didn't call me earlier to meet up."

"Hyunggggg." I rubbed my temples as Jackson whined and begged me to come.

I can already imagine him doing the puppy face that no one can resist behind the phone.

"Hyung please come. I can introduce you to some people too!"


"You can invite your other friends too."


"I swear it's go-"


"Oh yes, what is it hyung?"

"I'm not coming. Beside I have some work to finish."

"Tsk what a bummer. Ok then hyung."

"But if you ever changed your mind you're always welcome to come. I'll text you the address."

"Mmm." I hummed in response and hung up.

Few minutes later, a message came in.

Jackson Wang🐶
Here's the address.

I scrunch my eyebrows as I read the address and a wave of familiarity kicked in.

The address is too familiar.

I sat there for minutes trying to figure out whose house is it but nothing came.

Why a single address make me like this? I don't know myself too.


Taehyung barged in making the door slammed hard on the wall.

"Oh sorry."

He looked at me with the pity look that none of us could resist.

"It's ok. What is it tae?"

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