Nine is for Nicotine

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I will admit, I screamed a little bit. Not a lot, just a little.

"Now," Jordan said, releasing my sweater and dusting off his hands. "Wanna explain why you didn't answer any of our texts? All day long?"

I sighed. "Oh, um- my phone wasn't working right, and I was out with... dog sitting. Yeah."

"That's why you were at the park all day," Bennett said in a tone that meant he clearly didn't believe me.

"Yes," I said, going along with the story. "There's this sophomore, Sammy, and she and I talk in the library some times. She's got a German Shepherd, and she had things to do today, so I said I'd watch Romeo." I wasn't lying about Sammy and Romeo, just lying about watching the latter.

I almost didn't even feel guilty. I was doing what needed to be done. The boys seemed to relax, and Declan said, "Sorry, Naomi. You know, we should give you more credit. I mean, we lie to you all the time, but when have you ever kept something big from us?"

Oh, mega guilt trip.

The boys went home, I ate dinner with my parents, and I went to bed. The next morning, I got in my mom's minivan and drove to the base bright and early at 11:45.

Really, getting the boys to the park wasn't even hard. All I had to do was say that a Golden Retriever breeder was showcasing a litter of purebreds at the park (I'd 'seen the signs yesterday', while 'dog sitting') , and they were out the door ahead of me.

"Which car which car which car," Jordan blurted, crashing into the garage with the other two on his tails.

Bennett exploded over to his rack of keys. "I've got a van that we can pile at least four puppies into," he said, fumbling with the metal.

Declan, for his part, made sure that I didn't die caught in the rampage. I led the way to the car, taking shotgun. "Come on, guys!" I said, only feeling slightly guilty. I mean, what kind of person do you have to be to lie about Golden Retrievers?

Rubber burned as we screeched out of the garage. Bennett deftly navigated us out of the suburbs and into the center of the town, slamming the car to a halt by the park. "Go, go, go," he barked with the authority of a general ordering troops into battle.

It took approximately 0.4 seconds for the boys to realize that there were no Golden Retrievers in the parking lot. "Guys, they're over by the picnic tables," I said, jogging over to where I spied Nicotine sitting with a few other people.

I sat down across from Nicotine and waited for the boys to join me.

"Naomi," Jordan said slowly. "Who is this?"

"Sit down first."

Bennett, Declan, and Jordan snuggled into the bench beside me, and I began to talk. "Now, you all know that we have a problem with an infestation in this city. You all know that while I am not one of you, all six of- hang on-" I said, happening to spy Raymond across the park. Apologetically, I said, "Gimme one minute."


He looked over at me with a face resembling scorn, but then he saw the boys. Man, that boy can move. He exploded into my seat faster than sound, and, standing, I continued my speech.

"You all know that while I am not one of you, all seven of you are one and the same. There is a danger in this city, and I was hoping that you could, you know, put aside your differences and save lives."

"No," said Declan, at the same time that Nicotine said "Sure." I groaned. "De-" I cast a glance at Nicotine. Did he know their names?

"I did not Uber through the city yesterday for you to act like a petulant child," I hissed. Jordan stared at me in disbelief, hurt welling in his eyes. "You lied to us?"

Nicotine glanced sharply at me. "They didn't know you were coming?"

I shook my head. "Guys, I'm sorry, but you never would have let me go if-"

"Let you go?" One of Nicotine's friends laughed. Only then did I realize that she was a she. "What, so, we're the dogs, but they're the ones who've got you on a leash? Come on, princess, get some independence!"

Nicotine glanced sharply at her, and she frowned. "Molly," Nicotine said clearly. "Leave it alone. That's not our problem. Our problem is, vampires are going to kill our city, and personally, I couldn't live with a clean conscience if I sat by and let that happen. The Lost Boys are in."

I looked hopefully at Declan, Bennett, and Jordan. Raymond leaned in slightly, as though hoping he would actually be involved in the decision making process.

"We're in," said Bennett reluctantly. His icy eyes darted to me, and I flinched. I wasn't going to get off easy for this.

"Great," Nicotine said, clapping his hands. "Now, I suggest that we do an exchange. Dusty here will go with you, get a layout of your part of the city, and Naomi here will get the grand scape of our side."

"No," Declan said again. Jordan nodded emphatically. "I'll go instead."

"Look, you idiots," Molly said, leaning forward on her elbows. "We're not gonna hurt her. She's the one actually doing something to help people, which isn't normally our agenda, but is still a nice gesture. Naomi's the ambassador now."

I looked at the guys. "Guys, I'm serious. I'll be fine. We'll figure out where they might strike, and Dominic'll be keeping an eye on them, too."

"Come on, Naomi," Nicotine said, standing up. "Dusty, go on."

The guy on the other side of him, clearly Dusty, rose, nodding gruffly at Bennett, who glared coolly back at him.

"Raymond, you can leave now," Jordan said in a voice light with fake politeness. Nodding, Raymond scuttled off, and I shook my head lightly. That idiot never failed to astound me.

Molly slung her arm around my shoulder, which was difficult, seeing as she was four inches shorter than me. "Come on, then, am-bad-assador," she laughed, grinning at her own pun. "Let's get you the scope, then, eh?"




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