So this is it, My end, our end..

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(A/N) Hello. if you have made it this far in my book and you're not one of my friends, congratz, you actually make me happy, my friends though, you were going to read this to see how shitty it is. <3 So.. this is the end of the book... I apologize but one book I made in the past was like 56 chapters.. I don't like long books very much... but long chapters <3 -Luna

(Kareem's POV)

    I was in Luna's mini library thing, it was also a study basically. I hummed a soft tune as I read a book. It was a Narnia book, how many memories that brings back of Luna joking about Narnia, her being the queen of Narnia, and a bunch of other small inside jokes between us and her other friends.. though.. now that's all gone, this is the end, we're going to end up dying in this hell of a massively fucked up world.. and I don't know how I can recover if there ever will be an end to this life we call The After. After this.. there will be nothing here but Them.. they will rule over this world, this hell hole. They created the life we must live in now.. how many people are there left? How many people have died? How many people had such high hopes.. then died.. unexpectedly.. lost, broken, confused, in this hateful world. Why now, why in our timeline? What was their soul purpose to come here for..

    I growled at the thoughts, throwing the book across the room, putting my head in my hands as my thoughts were interrupted by my own sobs. I wanted to go in to the military, make my mother proud of me, make other people proud of me, go in to the air force.. become a pilot, retire.. have a loving family.. but you know... that's never going to happen, because here in The After.. nothing means NOTHING. That will never change anything anymore, that everything is useless, meaningless... gone.. lost.. like the survivours existence, we are going to die eventually, sooner or later, it's going to happen. As I thought about this I shook my head from the tears, the pain of everything, my thoughts, Jonathan's death.. everything. I looked over towards the door and walked to it, opening it as I went to go sit on the couch in the living room, seeing two figures already there. Nyquaryn and Sylvester, they were the best of friends... they we're the original friends, they were next to each other as much as possible. I then smiled at them and sat in the arm chair diagonal from them. We then just started to talk amongst ourselves of what could have been.

(Nyquaryn's POV)

    I remembered I had saw something a few miles back.. and I wanted to go and get something from there. So it was around dusk at this point so I shrugged it off as I saw Selena come downstairs, her hair a mess, her eyes a puffy red, and her face more pale than usual. I sighed at her miserable and let alone pitiful state. I grabbed my gun and what not and headed out of the house, I grabbed the gate key for the electric fence and what not. I sighed softly to myself as I set out to go get my item for Luna...

(Selena's POV)

    I noticed Nyquaryn leaving as he sighed when he looked at me right when I came downstairs from crying. I gently shrugged it off as I looked at everyone and went to go sit down on the couch next to Sylvester, on the other side from where Nyquaryn was sitting and I leaned my head against her shoulder and growled softly. I knew we all missed what our lives were, and what could have been. What could have turned out successful for Luna, her acting and drawing, successful for Kareem, him going into the military, successful for Nyquaryn, his art and his singing, successful for Sylvester, her poetry and her writing. What could have been is such a sad tale, and we all knew that, we're all starting to accept the fact of what our fates would be. "So this is it.. my end.... better yet.. our end.." I had sobbed softly. Sylvester caught my eye, before she turned to me and hugged me, and Kareem had gotten up and patted my back. We were all going to die eventually, we're probably the only ones alive for miles.. we didn't even bother to ask if Luna was with someone either.

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