A Nightmare To Awaken -Sam, Faded, Han, Summa, Zek

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Time......a place or a thing that consumes your every thought....or....movement given. Fate the close call between life and death....respectable. Darkness the shadows that consume you.....that holds your compassion for evil thoughts. But the light given in this source is friendship. Friendship is closeness with relationships through others and yourself..... All of these traits are held inside the four kingdoms. Each leads one role. For thee Assassins they hold the time. In the shadows they hold Darkness. In the Army of King Sky he holds Fate. For he Hybrid kingdom they hold Friendship.
Listen closely follow my words each word can mean different.
*setting: Night in the Dark Forest*
*Jr sits against a tree holding an old amulet necklace that was no filed with power and is broken*
Jr: Why......did I listen.....why did I...obey. I shall return I will not hide like this.
*Jr gets up and starts to walk when he sees men all around him with glowing eyes. Jr backs up to only get pushed to the ground. Sky walks up to Jr and helps him up*
Sky: "Are you play?"
Jr: "Define play"
Sky: "able to walk and go to my kingdom"
Jr: I looked at him and pulled my arm away and walked past him to the way back to Sam. He told me to stop but I didn't care for his bull. I walked past his men with no care in what they did. They told me to stop in the name of the king. I turned around to Sky and grinned and said "Your no king to me". I mean I am a Prince and I do not want to go into another trap again with the Brines.
I walked back to find Summa again resting at he grave and I walked up and went past him to feel his hand grab my ankle. He told me to stay. I sat next to him his eyes are shut he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. It felt goo getting a huge again from someone who had not warmed up to me.
I fell asleep......
*Han and Faded walk outside with a bucket of cold water and head towards the grave sight. Faded and Han found Jr and Summa sleeping together on a bench near the bridge. Both Han and Faded crept up and dumped he cold water on Jr and Summa*
*Jr jumped up to see Han and Faded running off the bridge. Jr grabbed Summa's hand and dragged him up into a full running motion after them*
Jr: "I will throw you into he pond if I catch up to you two!" I yelled with furry after them and totally forgot that I was pulling Summa along by my side.
Summa: "Agh shzzzzzzeeeee!" I was in a running and tired motion for this morning jog. I looked to see Jr running after Faded and Han and Jr dragging me along. "Gish why are you dragging me?"
Jr: "They dumped water on us and woke us up!".
*Summa stopped Jr and Yelled "WHAT!" He grabbed Jr's hand and ran as fast as he could and caught up to Han and Faded. Summa Sam Jr picked them up and threw them in the pond*
Jr:" have a nice bath. Suckers"
Summa: all I could do was laugh. I stood their and realized me and Jr were still holding hands. I looked at the two laughing children. Since Fred was gone the youngest was Han. Then I'm the second youngest. Then Jr is the second oldest and then Faded is the oldest. We acted like kids I guess you could say.
*The four boys went to the showers and got showered up and fresh. The boys got in their uniforms and headed to training. Meanwhile Sam is practicing
by herself(have to do this) or so she thought*
Sam: I had to remember swing left then right and loop and left. I am gonna practice till I am good at it. The parade is coming closer by days. Ugh...alright again....I heard a snap. I looked over to find two men standing their looking at me. They had a jump suit on and had dark glasses on. Another pond comes from behind to find two more guys. I pulled my blade up time to tussle!
*He four jump suited guys walk around Sam and watch her movements*
"She's the Queen right...we have to right one?"
"I don't know..."
"Yes we do now stop"
*The men stop in their position and stare at her. Sam lifted her sword and warned them that all of them are in training and that they should make their way out. The men looked at her and stood their. Sam yelled and told them to move away! The men ran at her and yelled we will not forget! Then to find Sam wakes up and breaths heavily*
"Whooooooooooaasas" Sam said breathing heavy.
Sam: what happened? Agh another weird dream or should I say Nightmare since I can't have a good one. I got up and got dressed and went down to see the men training together.
*Wait pause your little reading session and think they are training together. The men that fight a lot are training and helping themselves out together are a team okay we are good you can resume the story....just had to point it out*
I walked over and said them good morning and then went on to train them. I had to teach them to dance.
*Step forward and spin and point the sword out and front row walks left and front row walks right facing forward doing so. Jump up after four steps and grab the sword from the top and from the handle Nd shake up and shake down. Now spin left and point sword and bow*
We practiced this dance until night fall and all we could do was have fun with it now.
Han: shake and shake and shake, shake
, shake!
Faded: Jump and spin and to the left....opps nope right....yikes!
*Jr canes up to Sam and asked her to be spoken to in private*
Jr: I walked with Sam to an empty arena and was ready to talk.
"Sky wanted me to go with him to his "kingdom" said Jr.
"Well that was straight forward....anything else?" Sam was crossing her hands.
"He told me not to go back or it may hurt many people close to me" Jr replied quickly.
*A lady ran through the doors of he arena with the dancing group of boys running behind. The lady bowed and said their were men killing civilians and told them if you were not their that they would kill more. Sam nodded and told her men to gear up for a fight. All men ran to get ready along with Sam*
"Gather up your swords and meet at gate!"

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