A splited Fraction

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*Herobish opened his eyes from an sleep in anger. He marched through the halls and into Sky's room. Sky looked at him. Lilth stood outside the room listening to her dad scream and hit sky over a mistake of letting a boy live. Lilth then heard sky yell back " Why did you never tell me I knew them HUH!!!!!". A crash came upon. Lilth shoved the doors open to see Sky on the ground knocked out. Lilth stage came up and the room filled with smoke and hero looked around. When it cleared Lilth and sky were gone......*
*Later in Yoogi's room*
Sam: " Are you feeling okie to be able to walk"
Yoogi: " yeah I'm fine I think"
*The others were walking back when a flash came upon them. A holographic figure of hero stood before them.*
Hero: " You don't have time left before your world burns to the ashes cores. Kill off that boy or pay the death yourself"
*The holographic figure flashed making them close their eyes while the holographic figure disappeared. Han turned to the others*
Han: " We have too"
Summa: " do we really"
Faded: " I'm not stayin with you I'm going with Sam"
*Faded went to walk off and Han slammed him to a tree*
Han: " your helping us"
Faded:" what are you gonna do about it? Huh! Kill me. You can't stop me kid"
*Faded shoved Han off of him and walked passed him to the house. Jr looked at Han then back to Faded.*
Han: " are you going too"
Jr: " n—n——no"
Han: " good now let's go to the music room for shelter tonight"
*they walked off. Faded was walking back through the forest when an arrow came right through his chest. Faded fell down to the ground and was breathing heavily. He pulled the arrow out to find an green tip on it. He stared to breath faster. He took the arrow and began to dig in the ground to write something. Faded then stopped moving. *
*The morning*
*Sam had Yoogi able to walk now and back to his walking. Sam was going to head to the market when she saw a crowd by the entrance to the Falls. Sam and Yoogi walked up fast to find the people are saying there is something in there making noises last night. Sam dismissed everyone and made Yoogi sit on a bench and to wait. Sam was walking through the fog to find ahead layed something. She waved her hands and the fog then went away to see the sight. Yoogi was smiling and holding his hands to then hear sam scream. Citizens gathered around. Yoogi had trouble getting up off of the bench a older man helped him up and he walked as fast as his slow working legs could take him. The others came running to see what the matter was to see Yoogi disappearing into the foggy forest. Summa dashed after to find hand and Jr following. Yoogi then came to the opening to see Sam rocking back and fourth holding Faded's body. Yoogi looked in disgust of what had happened then saw what was written in the dirt*
*Hes Comin*
*Summa and the others came running in to find Faded dead. They had no expression on their faces. Summa looked at Sam. *
Summa: " Sam...... Sam are you *touches her shoulder*"
*Sam looked up at him with her eyes flickering in distress. Summa backed up and held his head remembering what happened that night. All Sam could do was cry. Herobish was watching through a globe and smiling*
Herobish: " I told you to fix your mistakes kids. That's on you"
*Han turned around and left with Jr. Han grabbed Summa and pulled him and Summa went back with them. Yoogi looked and then collapsed of lack of energy. Sam kept screaming Summa's name over and over until she saw him running through the smoke along side Jr. she passed out from anger heights. Yoogi and Sam laying on their beds . Han walked in with a knife and went to kill Yoogi . Summa grabbed his arm and smacked the knife out of his hand. They screamed at each other then to find Sam and Yoogi rising awake at the same time*
*Two weeks has passed since the barring of Faded. Sam was still getting over the fact that the o my man that she loved was gone. Sam helped Yoogi get around. His legs were getting worse by the days. Han moved with Jr and Summa by his side to a different fraction . Lilth sat at the falls tending to her injured brother. Lilth was thinking for help. When a snap of a branch came Yoogi was barely walking to the falls by himself. Lilth pulled her blade up and waited. Waiting to throw it until she felt a hand touch her arm to relax her. *
Sky:(in a muffled voice) "he can help us"
* Yoogi looked at He water until he hear a yell of help to him from the falls. He started to yell for Sam and she came and ran up the mountain and saw who it was passed out. She helped Lilth to their bunker and Yoogi made it back with them. Lilth and Sky were sleeping and Sam was sitting in the kitchen talking to Yoogi about what had happened and all the things her missed. *
*R.I.P Andrew FadedBee Rest with the rest of them please*

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