A Phantom Side. - KOT

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*Sam has a nightmare of her past childhood. She awakes sweating and out of breath. She gets up and goes to the bathroom to wash her face off. She splashes water on her face and then looks in the mirror to find Phantom standing behind her. She slams her fist into the mirror and runs out of the room and out of her hotel room. She was only wearing a black tank top and black pants. She was holding her cut open hand and she walked into the ally way to find a gang leaning on the walls. She went to turn around and they blocked her in. One of the members grabbed her arms from behind and the gang leader punched her in her stomach and in he face. One member kicked Sam in the stomach and Sam fell to the ground. They kept kicking her in the face. Sam's face was bleeding. Sam started to shake and then she lost control. She blasted them back and they went flying but caught each other. Sam stumbled to her feet and then looked up. Sam's covered up right eye was now uncovered and it was pitch black. Sam pushed her hair back to show off the other eye it was bright red. Sam smiled and then glitched back to realizing. The leader ordered them to attack two members ran forward and Sam smiled . Sam ripped the front men in half and kicked the other in the stomach and bthen smashed his head into the wall. The leader stumbled back in surprise. Sam glitched and fell back against the wall crying and was shaking in pain. She glitched back to a deadly smile and laughed. Sam got up and then fell back down and then got back up and ran towards the leader. The leader ran away and Sam stopped and her hands shook. She grabbed her left side of her neck and screamed and then glitched into laugh. A mark started to appear on Sam's left side of her neck. When the mark fully appeared Sam stoped shaking and she stood still. She then turned around and smiled. Above Sky was sitting and watching her with wide eyes. A voice approached Sky.
Hero: " don't approach her. She's unstable"
*Sky willed around and pulled his blade out to find no one there but he could recognize the voice. Sky then turned to look at Sam and she was gone. Sky jumped down into the ally and looked at the bodies. The leader returned from his run and saw Sky looking at he bodies. *
Clan Leader: " Hey You what happened to my men??!!!"
Sky: "......dead...."
Clan leader: " hey that psychopath killed my men and I nee..."
Sky :" shut up. And deal with it yourself. I have to find her."
*Sky then ran off to the hotels. Sam looked at the grocery store and then entered. The store manager looked at Sam's bloody self*
Manager: " Omg are you okay dear let me call 911 for you"
*The phone line was cut when the manager picked up the phone. Sky turned the lights on when he slammed open the hotel door. Everyone shot up and looked towards Sky. Sky told him what he saw and then they all got up and went for Sam*
Jr: " she has TK be near"
Han: " we have a whole city"
Jr: " pfft"
Summa: " now listen we need to find her. We're does she usually end up going to a lot"
Yoogi: "......"
Faded: " not a clue"
Jr: " FOOD! She loves helping me make food and she loves to eat"
Sky: " so a gas station"
Jr :" no grocery store"
*They stood for a minute*
*They ran off to the grocery store*
*tHe manager stood a little form Sam. Te manager reached out his hand*
Manager: " dear? Ummm are you okay"
*Sam laughed and then she cried out " help me" and then her face turned straight*
*The manager went to touch her when the rest of KOT came racing in*
*Sam turned and faced them and saw what she looked like. There faces widened*
Jr: " Sam????......"
Faded and Yoogi: " ........."
Summa: " what's wrong with her Sky. I swear what's wrong with her"
Sky :"past break through"
Han: " wait what's on her neck though"
*Sam started to shake again and then she fell back into the shelf and hit the ground. A deep voice came out of Sam telling Sam to leave it alone. *
Sam: "I'll break it I swear"
* Sam stopped and then she lost her strength and sat there*
Sam: " is it gone....????....did it leave my body for now?"
*Sky ran over and picked Sam up. Jr came over and took her from Sky since he was able to hold weight well. They took her to the hospital and got her stitches in her hand. When they got back to the hotel Sky checked Sam's eye and looked into it and then looked at he marking*
Sky: " why didn't you tell me he owned you"
Sam: " I won't let him own me"
*Jr came over and whipped the blood off of her face. Then Sam pushed away his hand. Jr only moved her arm back and cleaned the rest. Sam then came to the front of the room*
Sam: " your all probably wondering what happened. Well my past came back to life. I was taken away by a thing and that thing latched itself onto me. And is trying to use me as a war machine. That's the reason why I faked losing my right eye. I didn't want it to come back. But you can't hide things behind a black curtain anymore. I need help. Too much is happening too soon........."
Han: " what did I get myself into. I shouldn't even be with you at all"
* Yoogi grabbed Han by his shirt*
Yoogi: " we are family either you like of not we are sticking together because we are not losing another! HEAR ME CLEAR?!"
*Han sat back and leaned on Jr who wrapped his arm around Han. Sky looked at the marking on Sam's neck and then rubbed his neck.*
Sky[in his head] :" I have the same marking. What am I to do now"
Hello and ooooo it is getrinf spicy. What's gonna happen with hero on their backs and Sky's visions that he is keeping secret. Then having Sam's hidden past coming back from the dead once more. Sky gives a clue as to having a same marking. But from whom is this Phantom. Stay tuned.

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