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Day two of the apocalypse.

Travelling, I notice that there is little to no civilisation left around main structures such as the stadium. All had been abandoned and left as just structures, with almost no one left. We get the occasional survivor come past in a car, but not much else.

I have enough hidden stashes to last me a month, I kind of wanted an apocalypse to happen so I had prepared- little did I know that the event would actually happen. These stashes includes weapons, food, maps of nearby areas etc. But other than that, I don't know what I could do.

I have been trying to gather survivors, but they're more interested in being alone than with a group. I can see why though, I was thinking about trusting no one, just in case they turn on me. It would be wiser to have more than just me but all my friends and family have ran without me. Why didn't I wake up then? I could be safe with my family. I couldn't bear to hear anything bad now that I'm by myself, I really hope they're okay.  I'm going to try and down to London in about a month, maybe they went there. Or maybe they went to less populated areas. I know more will be there, in London, but it's the best hope I have for more resources.

For the time being, however, I will stay around MK Stadium, there's Asda nearby (the shops I was on about yesterday) a few restaurants, and Ikea. If I am to survive, I need to hope that someone has the same plan as me with setting up around this location. Asda should have some supplies left, it's only the second day of this epidemic. If I have any hope left, I'd better stay there and try my best to not make myself known to the enemy. The time is 9pm, I better get into hiding...

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