4th horseman

15 1 3

Day 8

After what happened yesterday, I was devastated. And in a heartbroken rage, I broke down the front door and killed the small horde of zombies out the front. It was easy, there was only 17 of them.

We managed to get out of the house after that, and got back to the car. After witnessing the event, Kieran said "well let's not stand here and wait for more to come, we need to get to the hospital. See if there's anything left there." So we all got to Garry's car and started it up.

On the way to the hospital, the car almost got attacked by a couple of zombies. And by a couple, I mean about 100. Yeah this outbreak is definitely getting worse by the day.

I told the others that it would be best to stay away from London, the original place we were going. "You're right. It's best we get away from any major cities, like London or Birmingham. We should head to the country, like in Cornwall." Garry replied. "We could but look at your fuel meter" Kieran said to Garry, pointing at the fuel meter. "it's almost empty, there's no way we could go 275 miles in this empty bucket." We just sat there in silence as we got nearer the hospital.
"Oh no..." Garry said "out of fuel." "Told you" Kieran simply replied. We then proceeded to get out of the car. Before we could though, we heard gunfire. "The fuck was that?!" Garry exclaimed as another shot was fired. We looked out our car windows and saw the zombies dropping one by one. After a few minutes all the zombies around us were gone.

We looked around but saw nothing. Until we looked up high where a flash of light kept coming from. It was about 100 metres away, a good spot to hide from the looks of it. We went toward it and got to the bottom of a flat. "Well there's only one way to go- let's find out who was shooting" so we entered the derelict building.

We climbed 6 staircases before we got to the roof. Just before we entered the door to the roof, Garry said "Weapons down. We don't know if this sniper is friendly or just trigger happy". We put the weapons away and slowly entered the rooftop door.

Halfway open, we saw what looked like a camp site. There was a tent, a small fire, bottles of water, empty bottles, cans of food etc. We opened the door fully, and who do we find? Only our Xbox Live friend Jamie Bunker! Turns out the guy was as good at sniping as he was at gaming. I shouted his name, and he turned around startled.

"Who are you? How the hell did you get on this roof!" He shouted, his gun trembling. "Jamie, it's us." Garry said "Don't you recognise your friends?" "How do I know who you are?" I said my Xbox live gamertag, H34dph0n3 G4m3r, and he said "fatso, what's your identity??". Kieran said his, GhostMaster2k17, but made a mistake and said GhostMaker2k17. Jamie pulled the trigger, just missing Kieran's ear. "I mean GhostMaster2k17!" Jamie reluctantly pointed his rifle at Garry. "You. What's yours, if you have it?" "It's BombproofGrunt6" he replied. Jamie then lowered his weapon.

"It is you guys! I'm sorry I almost shot you Kieran" he said in a happy, but apologetic, tone. We found another survivor, and thank god nothing too bad had happened. "Well, where are you guys headed then?" Jamie spoke.

"We were headed to the hospital until Garry's car ran out of fuel" Kieran replied "well that's only another half a mile from here, we can walk it in the morning. For now though, I think it's best while we rest up here. It'll be nightfall soon." Suggested jamie "I have food, water, shelter, and fire. We would just need something to keep the fire going." So I told him that I have a stash somewhere on this rooftop. "Ohh that's what that was..." said Jamie "I already found that, why do you think I have this stuff?"

Or not...

The time is 9pm, time for this group to rest...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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