Making a plan

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Day 4

Last night, Garry and me got to training after nightfall. Surprisingly, there wasn't that many left in the stadium. I'd just assumed he killed most of them with how good he was.

Either way, he started training me on how to be better at killing the undead, to help me survive better of course. He put it simply for me- "the best way to kill the undead is to aim for the head." He said enthusiastically "You remove that, they're gone in seconds" . So I had practice aiming at the heads of what few undead remained in the stadium. Garry told me I progressed fast, and as a joke, I called him "Elder One".

We had some of the food we found last night because he had ran out the day before. I let him have some of the stuff we took, and a little of my own. That little bit was, however, a day of rations. So Day 4 and I only have 2 days of food left, plus a little in the bag I found to hold my stuff just 20 minutes ago.

I know there's a McDonald's nearby but I will leave that until when I have to. I know the layout, there's frozen food, heavy doors and enough places to hide out. We should stay there, but it's small. Easy to get overrun. Maybe someday soon that will be the hideout.

I still have my stashes near here and elsewhere, but those are emergency only. I guess you could call a zombie apocalypse an emergency, but I still need to use what I have wisely.

This morning we also made a plan- search the nearby areas for more survival resources then move to less populated areas. Garry says he has a car, he could get us further but not much further. Maybe we can meet more survivors on the way... but as I said, we have restaurants near here so we will search those first. The time is 9pm, I have to get back to training

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