Unfortunate fate

15 2 5

Day 7

End of the first week, that's an achievement for all of us! We finally woke up around 12ish and realised how lazy we were. We had ourselves a mid day breakfast of a few snacks Kieran took from McDonald's  and got back on track.

However, before we could leave the house, Kieran stopped us. He told us to look outside. Zombies. They were everywhere, surrounding the house. We needed to get back to the car, it was our only hope. But what was going to be our best exit strategy? The front door was blocked and the back door was locked with no key- at least they couldn't get in that way. Then again, we couldn't leave that way either.

We gathered in the kitchen, near the back of the house. Our Group Elder decided it would be best to break the door at the back. "How would we do that?" Ration Boy Kieran asked. I then stated there was little to nothing left in the desolate building. "We use the chairs. Form a ram. We bust the lock and leave ASAP" Garry said. So he grabbed a chair and was the rear of the ram. Kieran done the same and was the front. There wasn't a third one for me, not downstairs at least.

I went to the bottom of the stairs and looked out the front room window, there was too many zombies to go through, so thank god our wise man Garry decided to try break a lock at the back of the house. As I went up the stairs, I reminisced about this place. The memories it holds shall never be forgotten. As with my family. I shall never forget them, even with this zombie apocalypse. They helped me make my way in the start of the apocalypse, and I shall make sure they live through the end. I went to my sisters old room and found her chair, then took it back downstairs.

Garry and Kieran were already hitting the door with two chairs. They were having no luck. I came into the kitchen with a third and final chair, and we formed the ram. We hit it once, no luck. We hit it a second time and we heard a cracking noise. The door was about to break. So Garry said "on three" and counted us down. "One!.. two!..." but before he said 3, the front room window was broken by zombies and we got distracted. Garry pushed us all onwards anyway when he said three, and the door broke but we fell though it.

After all of us stumbled back onto our feet, we closed the door and noticed a key on the outside of the door, in the keyhole. "What's a key doing on the outside of a house?" Kieran questioned quizzically. We didn't know, so we remained silent and blocked the door with a pile of spare bricks. I turned around and noticed a blood trail on the floor, leading from the house to the back of the garden, where something was tied to the fence. It was a zombie. Only... this one looked familiar.

Oh no, I think I know who it is. Garry thought he recognised her too. "Reece, I found this" Kieran said as he picked up a piece of paper" he handed me the paper and I read it. 

"In loving memory of Taylor Page, beloved daughter and sister. The zombies were too quick for her, she got bit before she left the house. We locked the door behind us and left for the hospital. She had to stay here or she would kill us all. Goodbye, and rest in peace."
"Reece" kieran said "you okay man?" "My sister" I said "they took my sister..." Garry put his hand on my shoulder. "What do you want to do with her? Leave her?" I replied "no. One of you kill her. I can't kill my family, but no one deserves this..." as I said this, I began to cry a lot, and looked away as Garry took the burden.

We stood there for a bit after he killed her. A few minutes went past, and I said, really upset: "they took one of my family.. I swear to god, I'm going to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE PRICKS! They take my sister, I'm going to slaughter EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE UNDEAD ASSHOLES! And I'm going to have FUN doing it!!" Garry and Kieran just stood their silent, they hadn't known what it was like to lose family to the horde. Now I have, and I wanted revenge. The time is 9pm, time for a fun night...

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