I have some hope

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Day 3 of the apocalypse

I ended up setting up a camp inside the stadium itself last night. What a risk that was, I got attacked and injured last night.  I managed to fend of the.. zombies I will call them, and met another survivor who actually agreed to stay in my group.

It was only a small cut by one of their hands but in an apocalypse, and with the reporter saying the recently deceased will rise again, anything could've happened if he didn't come along. Well, I can't really call it a group, there was only me. But now it's the two of us.

His name is Garry Evans. Never have I met someone as efficient as him in killing the zombies and helping me recover, I owe him my life (not literally) and as we finally set up for the night, We got to know each other. He was looking for other people he knew, hoping someone would show their face.

I was in the same boat as him, so we were on the lookout for both of our families. After waking up in the morning we went into Asda, being weary after the attack last night, to get some supplies for us. Being the man I knew, he went straight to the pharmacy part inside Asda, getting a load of medical supplies and putting them in the secondary bag he bought. I went to find food for us, however the "Food to go" section was completely empty, likely being stolen in the first 2 days.

I needed to go deeper, not to the store room yet but to the other stands. Luckily I found a few sandwiches, snack bars, and drinks. I still have the food my mum left me those two long days ago but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I only wish she and the family were still here, every day gets worse as I worry about them, but I need to focus on survival. With few alive people left I need to make sure I stay as one of them. It's only a matter of time before I die or the apocalypse ends. but which will come first, I hope it's the second option...

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