02; start again

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No longer was I to feel pity upon myself. Alec leaving marked the start of a new beginning.

I paid attention to every meager thing he left behind. The cigarettes, our pictures together,  and my fridge which was filled with relentless amounts of beer. Cleansing the house made the numbness I was feeling go away. If I was being quite honest, Alec and I had been destroyed a long while ago. We met when I was fresh out of high school in ‘91, love at first sight as they call it. He began to morph into this abusive monster and I knew then that he was everything other than the man I fell in love with.

Sleeping I thought would resolve all of the damage he had done, and it helped some, but the moment I opened my eyes from rest, it hit again.

Weeks passed, and the weeks led up to a month and then two months.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by the trilling of my phone.

I reached over to answer.

“Hello?” My voice was unrecognizable in my own ears.


My best friend Alicia spoke.

“Yeah. What’s up?” My voice was leaking of exhaustion and emotional distress.

“You sound awful. What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. I’m fine. What’s up?” I feigned, hoping she would change the topic.

“Is it Alec again?” She questioned defensively.

“Actually, Alec and I are done. He’s moved out as well.”

“About time. Where's he off too?”

I huffed and bowed my head. He was the very last thing I wanted to discuss right now.

“I dunno Alicia.”

“Well I’m sorry boo. You need to get out of the house. It’s been a while. There’s this guy I met. His name’s Jeff. Him and I sort of hit it off at the bar a couple days ago, and he invited me to a party. I made sure that it was okay to invite you too.”

As I listened to Alicia go on and on in excitement, I rolled my eyes. Although Alicia and I had been friends since the seventh grade, she and I were cut from completely different cloth. She searched for any excuse to escape an emotional situation and partying was always the solution for her.

Sighing, I replied.

“There’s one thing I know for sure and it’s that you’re not gonna let me off the phone without agreeing to attend this party with you and your new mystery man.”

We both laughed. It was good to rekindle our relationship after all this time.

“So since we have that understanding, the party is tomorrow night at eight.”

“Alright, I guess.”

“Great. See you tomorrow.”

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